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K-State Today

April 21, 2021

Teaching and Learning Center presents professional development event today

Submitted by Teaching and Learning Center

As part of the Teaching and Learning Center's Professional Development Series, Kodee Walls, assistant director of Counseling Services, will present "Just-in-Time Conversation on Mental Health" from noon to 1 p.m. Wednesday, April 21, via Zoom.

This academic year has been incredibly difficult for all of us. Many of us were in survival mode before the spring semester. Sometimes, in our attempt to survive, we lose sight of the people who are part of our academic and research work. Perhaps we've seen an uptick in requests for extensions and people reaching out with greater levels of distress. Or, on the opposite end of the spectrum, a complete drop-off in communication and utter lack of participation. Knowing many of us are running on fumes, this "Just in Time" presentation will focus on three interconnected tasks — helping students, and perhaps ourselves, manage their burnout; tap into their reserves of motivation; and cultivate self-compassion. While glimmers of hope are shining due to increased access to vaccinations and decrease infection rates, the biggest beacon is the end of the semester. Let's make sure we're all getting to the finish line together. We hope you join us today.

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