February 26, 2020
'Kansas Women Have Done It' celebration of women's suffrage on Tuesday, March 3

Celebrate the centennial of the 19th Amendment for women's suffrage from 7-8:30 p.m. Tuesday, March 3, at the Douglass Community Center Annex, Tubman/Douglass Room.
The program, "Kansas Women Have Done It: Agitating for the Woman's Vote," will feature an evening of music, performance and discussion in honor of the 19th Amendment and the birthday of Susanna Madora Salter, the first woman mayor in America, elected by Kansans.
"'Kansas Women Have Done It' will bring together scholarly talks and artistic performances," said Wendy Matlock, associate professor of English and organizer for the event. "My hope is that reflecting on the fact that women's enfranchisement is only 100 years old in our great democracy will remind us of how important all votes are in this election year."
The evening will begin with the chronological end: a discussion by Suzanne Orr, assistant professor of history, of resistance to the 19th Amendment. Though its ratification seems like an inevitability from our vantage point, it certainly was not in the early 20th century. Next, Krista Everhart, senior in education, will share her discoveries about Susanna Madora Salter, elected as mayor of Argonia, Kansas, in 1887, despite the fact that she was nominated as a joke.
Turning to a local focus, Brittani Ivan, English, M.A. '19, will share research on Harriet Parkerson's Diary at the Riley County Historical Society. Following Ivan will be Kristin Chaney, sophomore in social work, and Angela Hubler, professor of gender, women and sexuality studies, who will consider how women were left out of the movement by their race and class.
The event will end on a rousing note with performances by Ann Birney, a historical performer, and Katharina Bossman, a soprano, followed by refreshments, including cake sponsored by Bourbon and Baker and soft drinks sponsored by Hy-Vee.
"I'm particularly excited about the academic performances since I'm not a Kansas native," said Taylee Helms, second-year graduate student in literature. "It is interesting to me to learn more about how Kansas was actively involved in progressing women's suffrage."
Steffi Dippold, associate professor of English, values the opportunity to connect local history to the contemporary moment.
"Women pushed for the right to vote in many ways and places," explained Dippold. "I am excited that our event 'Kansas Women Have Done It' is stressing important connections between the forgotten and overlooked roles of local and regional women to larger national histories and the past to the present."
The event is free and open to the public. It is sponsored by Ann and Mark Knackendoffel; from the College of Arts and Sciences — the Department of English, the Department of Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies, the Department of Art, the Chapman Center and the primary text certificate program; The Dusty Bookshelf; the American Association of University Women; Wildcats Vote; the Riley County Historical Society; the League of Women Voters; Bourbon and Baker; and HyVee.