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  4. »Education Abroad Faculty-Led Programs Fair

K-State Today Student Edition

January 27, 2020

Education Abroad Faculty-Led Programs Fair

Submitted by Katelin Christianer-Donkers

Interested in going abroad with a group of K-State students and getting K-State credit while you do? Come browse the Education Abroad Faculty-Led Programs Fair from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 29, in the K-State Student Union courtyard to see what opportunities are available.

At the fair, you will be able to learn about short-term K-State-sponsored opportunities abroad during the summer 2020 and fall 2020 terms. You will be able to speak with the faculty leaders directly and hear student testimony from past participants on certain programs.

All students are invited to attend; we look forward to seeing you there. 

In this issue

News and research
University life
Kudos, publications and presentations
Volunteer opportunities