December 13, 2016
Dining hall menus, meal plans and more now available on K-State mobile app
Submitted by Communications and Marketing

The new campus dining module in the K-State Mobile app allows users to view dining hall menus and hours, purchase meal plans, calculate calories and more.
On-campus dining options for students include Kramer, Derby and Van Zile dining centers, JP's Sports Grill at Jardine Apartments, Call Hall Diary Bar, The Cafe at Trotter Hall, the K-State Student Union and Cornerstone Coffee & Bakery in Wefald Hall and Jardine Marketplace.
Check your available meal plan and cat cash balances on the Connect website.
The mobile app also features:
- Connect: Direct access to class schedules, email, calendars and more.
- K-State Online: Access classes and course information.
- Libraries: Virtually search the stacks and access research tools.
- K-State Today: Keep up to date on the day's activities, news stories and more.
- Emergency and safety: Updated with most recent campus advisories and warnings, as well as important campus phone numbers.
- Sports: View athletic schedules and current news about K-State teams.
- Social: Browse K-State's Facebook and Twitter accounts.
- People and department directories: Look up and call phone numbers, see addresses and automatically connect to the map to navigate.
The K-State Mobile app is available on both the Apple App Store and Google Play.