March 16, 2012
Dodge City Community College student earns university's first Sarachek Transfer Scholarship
Submitted by Communications and Marketing

A Dodge City Community College student is the first recipient of a $10,000 scholarship for students who transfer from a Kansas community college to Kansas State University.
Eduardo Acosta, Dodge City, has received the Sarachek Scholarship, which is made possible by Alvin and RosaLee Sarachek. It is the only scholarship of its kind in the state of Kansas for students who are transferring from a community college. The scholarship recognizes outstanding Kansas transfer students who are interested in and plan to pursue undergraduate research and a degree at K-State in biology, biochemistry, human nutrition or in select fields in the College of Agriculture.
Students receiving the scholarship must be a graduate of a Kansas community college and have an associate degree. The scholarship is renewable for one additional year if the student completes 30 hours at K-State with a 3.5 GPA.
K-State received nearly 20 applications for the scholarship, and a selection committee chose five finalists to interview. Finalists participated in an on-campus interview and recognition day Feb. 29.
Alvin Sarachek completed his doctorate at Kansas State University and has served in a variety of capacities with various private and governmental agencies concerned with science education and research. RosaLee Sarachek was also a career biologist. The Saracheks have contributed to a university graduate fellowship program and are strong supporters of K-State.
Finalists for the Sarachek Transfer Scholarship included:
Mallory Phillips, Conway Springs, Butler Community College in Great Bend; Dustin Aherin, Phillipsburg, Allen Community College in Iola; Jameson "Miles" Hackney, St. George, Highland Community College; and Destiny Wendland, St. John, Pratt Community College.