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  4. »A.Q. Miller School hosts Kedziepalooza today

K-State Today

September 2, 2014

A.Q. Miller School hosts Kedziepalooza today

Submitted by Jenny Tatman

The A.Q. Miller School of Journalism and Mass Communications will host its third annual Kedziepalooza from 5-6 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 2, in the courtyard outside of Kedzie Hall.

Kedziepalooza is the fall kickoff event for the A.Q. Miller School. Students are invited to learn more about student organizations affiliated with journalism and mass communications while enjoying free food, music and prizes given away by JMC ambassadors. Willie the Wildcat has been invited to join in the festivities.

For a glimpse of last year's Kedziepalooza please visit http://youtu.be/SKt34RKnuLQ.

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From the administration
News and research
Personnel changes
Kudos, publications and presentations
Publications and presentations
Volunteer opportunities