April 16, 2014
McCornack to present 'Crop Scene Investigators' April 17

Brian McCornack will present "Crop Scene Investigators, CSI: using serious games to train the next generation of diagnosticians" from noon to 1 p.m. Thursday, April 17, in 124 Bluemont Hall. It is sponsored by the K-State Gaming and Immersive Environments Group.
What started out as "CSI Manhattan" turned into a global project to help plant doctors in developing countries learn how to diagnose pest problems. Although the "crime scene" is quite a bit different, most of the rules are the same. Come learn how McCornack and his collaborators are using immersive environments to help learners acquire the skills they need to be effective diagnosticians.
McCornack will discuss an ongoing project in collaboration with Bondi Labs and the Queensland University of Technology, aka, Global CSI — The Plant Doctor Game. McCornack will give an overview of this educational video game — a serious game intended for play on low-end mobile devices and is being designed to develop and improve core plant health diagnostic skills of agricultural extension workers in developing countries.
Initially, the game is intended to complement the existing face-to-face plant-doctor training program but is moving towards scalable, comprehensive training modules. McCornack also will discuss his plans for using this tool in his insect pest diagnostic courses.
All those interested are welcome to attend. If you have questions or requests, email Rosemary Talab at talab@k-state.edu for more information.