November 8, 2013
Kansas State home hockey games this weekend

The Great Plains Collegiate Inline Hockey League, or GPCIHL, announces the schedule for a regional event Nov. 9-10 at the Kansas State University Peters Rec Complex. Seven teams from the Great Plains Region of the National Collegiate Roller Hockey Association, or NCRHA, will compete over the two days.
The schedule is as follows:
Saturday, Nov. 9
9:45 a.m. opening ceremonies
10 a.m. — K-State vs. Missouri University of Science and Technology
11 a.m. — St. Louis University vs. Washington University
noon — Central Missouri State III vs. University of Missouri
1 p.m. — Missouri University of Science and Technology vs. Missouri State
2 p.m. — University of Missouri vs. Washington University
3 p.m. — K-State vs. Central Missouri State III
4 p.m. — University of Missouri vs. Missouri State
5 p.m. — Central Missouri State III vs. St. Louis University
6 p.m. — K-State vs. University of Missouri
Sunday, Nov. 10
9 a.m. — Missouri University of Science and Technology vs. Washington University
10 a.m. — St. Louis University vs. K-State
11 a.m. — Central Missouri State III vs. Missouri State
noon — St. Louis University vs. Missouri University of Science and Technology
1 p.m. — K-State vs. Missouri State
This is the only opportunity in 2013 to see collegiate inline hockey competition in Manhattan. Admission is free to all the games. Come out and support your Hockey Cats.
After one regional tournament, the K-State squad is in third place with a 2-1 record. Help cheer us on as we do our best to climb in the standings. If you'd like further information, please email the team at or see our Facebook page.