

Student Loans are financial obligations that must be repaid. Pay careful attention to the terms and conditions of any loan you accept to help pay for school. Do not borrow more than you need or can repay comfortably after leaving school.

Complete the FAFSA

Federal Loans

  • Parent PLUS Loan

    Unsubsidized loan from the U.S. Department of Education for the parents of undergraduate students.

  • Graduate PLUS Loan

    Unsubsidized loan from the U.S. Department of Education for graduate and professional students.

Private loans

If students have exhausted all federal, state, and institutional forms of financial aid eligibility, but are still in need of additional financial resources to help meet their educational costs, then a private loan may represent a viable option.

Student loan repayment

Student Loan Repayment estimator, payment plans and frequently asked questions.


NSLDS Disclosure

The National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS) is the national database of information about loans and grants awarded to students under Title IV of the Higher Education Act (HEA) of 1965, as amended. NSLDS provides a centralized, integrated view of Title IV loans and grants during their complete life cycle, from aid approval through disbursement, repayment, deferment, delinquency, and closure.

Various authorized entities provide data and have access to the NSLDS – they include Schools, such as K-State, the Department of Education Loan Servicers, the Common Origination and Disbursement (COD) System, the FAFSA Processing System (FPS), Student Loan Guarantee Agencies, Federal Student Loan Lenders, and Debt Management Collection Services (DMCS).

Student aid recipients can access their NSLDS data by visiting . Login with your FSA ID and password.