Frank Weyher

weyherAssociate Professor of Sociology

Ph.D., Sociology, University of California, Los Angeles, 2003
B.S., Mathematics, Regis University, 1989

Research and Teaching Interests: Emotions, Culture, Theory, Comparative & Historical Methods, Labor/Labor History, Political and Economic Sociology, Urban Sociology, Inequality

Dr. Weyher joined the faculty at K-State in the Fall of 2004. His solo- and co-authored research has been published in The American Journal of Sociology, Labor History, Sociological Perspectives, Sociological Spectrum, Latin American Perspectives, as well as chapters in The Blackwell Companion to the Sociology of Culture and The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Social and Political Movements. In 2002, he and Maurice Zeitlin were awarded the Distinguished Contribution to Scholarship Award, Honorable Mention, from the Political Sociology Section of the American Sociological Association for their article: "Black and White, Unite and Fight: Interracial Working-Class Solidarity and Racial Employment Equality" (2001, American Journal of Sociology). Dr. Weyher has also presented his work at regional, national, and international sociological and interdisciplinary conferences. His current research focuses on the emotions in social theory; the political economy of mass migration from El Salvador, alienation, and crime (with Alisa Garni). He also continues to work on labor history, class, and social inequality and is extending this to aspects of urban change. He teaches courses in The Sociology of Emotions, The Sociology of Culture, Comparative and Historical Methods, Social Theory, Urban Sociology, and Labor History.

Curriculum Vitae