
OEIE utilizes a variety of research methods and resources when planning and conducting an evaluation. Below are links to some commonly referenced materials where you can find details on how to plan and implement an evaluation. These resources offer information that can be used across many disciplines to help projects better understand the evaluation process as well as design and implement their own strategies.

Online Evaluation Resource Library (OERL) PDF

Supported by the National Science Foundation, the OERL includes sample evaluation plans, instruments, and reports for a number of evaluation areas including curriculum development.

2010 User-Friendly Handbook for Project Evaluation

Published by the National Science Foundation, this document is a periodically updated guide to the fundamentals of evaluating a program or intervention.

EvaluATE (Advanced Technological Education)

Funded by the National Science Foundation and administered by the Evaluation Center at Western Michigan University, EvaluATE is a resource center for evaluators, researchers, and others working in the field of technical education.

Informal Science (National Science Foundation)

Informal Science presents a number of resources aimed at educators, researchers, and evaluators working on informal STEM education. Their evaluation resources include a number of guides to basic evaluation and assessment practice.

Penn State Extension: Program Evaluation

This set of resources was developed for educators, faculty, and extension agents who needed to conduct program evaluations. Their “tipsheets” include helpful guidance on instrument design in general and on measuring knowledge and skills in particular.

W.K. Kellogg Foundation Logic Model Development Guide

Developed as a practical guide for program planning, implementation, and dissemination activities, this handbook provides step-by-step instructions for creating a program logic model detailing a program’s theory of change.

W.K. Kellogg Foundation Evaluation Handbook

The Kellogg Foundation is a major philanthropic organization and an early innovator in the use of evaluation with grant-funded research. The Kellogg Evaluation Handbook is a popular and well-regarded resource for program evaluation.

Institute of Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education PDF

The Common Guidelines for Education Research and Development includes Research Types, specifically regarding education, supported by the National Science Foundation including guidelines for evaluation of education development projects.