Our Interdisciplinary Approach

Creating a Digital Agriculture Community

An interdisciplinary approach to digital agriculture and advanced analytics requires strengthening faculty connections across programs, initiatives, colleges and the university at large, including multiple campuses and experiment stations. This interdisciplinary approach is anchored by a board of directors who leads the institute and fosters collaboration by partnering with faculty investigators and working strategically across the K-State community to identify funding for larger, coordinated efforts.

Board of Directors and Institute Staff

The board of directors team is comprised by representatives from K-State's College of Agriculture, College of Arts and Sciences and Carl R. Ice College of Engineering. The mission of the ID3A aligns with the the Next-Gen K-State Strategic Plan by intentionally teaming experts from across disciplines to solve complex challenges.

Contact the Board of Directors

Contact the Program Manager


Participation from five colleges, two campuses and our statewide K-State Research and Extension network

Our team of affiliated faculty members who come together to support this initiative come from:

Overall participation resulted from university-wide input sessions that brought together all interested parties to identify advanced and complicated challenges in digital agriculture.

Join us

Email us at id3a@k-state.edu or reach out to any member of our board of directors.