MCDB Listserv
The MCDB Listserv is used to send announcements and reminders about Research Forum presentations. Feel free to use it to ask to borrow reagents, solicit advice about a protocol, forward other relevant talks, or anything else of interest to the MCDB community.
To Subscribe:
Send e-mail to with this command format in the message:
SUB MCDB-L Your Name
Where "Your Name" is your real name. Example: SUB MCDB-L Jane Doe. You don't have to give your e-mail address, because the LISTSERV software will get it off the "From" line in the e-mail header. LISTSERV will generally send a message asking you to confirm your subscription request, and will then send a notification/welcome message when you've been added to a list. Note that you can subscribe to any open lists on your own. If you try to subscribe to a closed list or to one that has limited subscription, LISTSERV will send a notice with further information.
To Unsubscribe:
Send e-mail to with this command format in the message: