February 10, 2020
'Cookies & Consent' CARE tabling event

In honor of Valentine's week, the Center for Advocacy, Response and Education, or CARE, invites K-State students, faculty and staff to participate in "Cookies & Consent." Participants can stop by CARE's tabling event to learn more about consent while decorating and enjoying a free cookie from Goodcents.
CARE's "Cookies & Consent" tabling event will occur from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. on the following dates in the K-State Student Union:
- Tuesday, Feb. 11
- Wednesday, Feb. 12
- Friday, Feb. 14
CARE provides free, voluntary and confidential support services to K-State students, faculty and staff who experience(d) sexual or dating violence, stalking, or sexual harassment. Individuals who wish to meet with a survivor advocate can schedule an appointment by contacting CARE at 785-532-6444, ksucare@k-state.edu, or visiting 206 Holton Hall. Walk-in appointments are also welcome. CARE is open 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday.