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  4. »DMSA awards five students Joey Lee Garmon Scholarship

K-State Today

Division of Communications and Marketing
Kansas State University
128 Dole Hall
1525 Mid-Campus Drive North
Manhattan, KS 66506

November 19, 2019

DMSA awards five students Joey Lee Garmon Scholarship

Submitted by Michele Benevento

The Department of Diversity and Multicultural Student Affairs awarded five K-State students scholarships for promoting social justice. 

The Joey Lee Garmon Undergraduate Student Scholarship for Social Justice was created in honor of Garmon, an African American male who lived in a community where he faced injustice and racism. The Joey Lee Garmon Undergraduate Multicultural Student Scholarship for Social Justice provides $700 to students of historically oppressed backgrounds who have shown commitment toward promoting social justice and inclusion in their communities.

The 2019 recipients of the Joey Lee Garmon Undergraduate Multicultural Student Scholarship for Social Justice include Bryan Hill, freshman in computer engineering, Overland Park; Gerardo Hernandez-Garcia, freshman in animal sciences and industry, Wichita; and Leslie Ramirez, senior in English and education, Kansas City, Missouri.

The Undergraduate Scholarship for Social Justice is awarded to a student from any background who has shown a commitment toward promoting social justice within their community. The award offers $700 to two recipients.

The 2019 recipients of the Undergraduate Scholarship for Social Justice are Kayla Craigmile, sophomore in anthropology and international studies, Shawnee; and Pranav Savanur, junior in biology and pre-med, Bangalore, India. 

The committee was comprised of five student affairs professionals: RJ Youngblood, assistant director of the Academic Achievement Center; Trumanue Lindsey, director of multicultural student life; Pat Hudgins, associate director of the Career Center; Debra Bolton, director of intercultural learning and academic success; and Mirta Chavez, director of multicultural programs and services and executive director of Project IMPACT, chair.