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K-State Today

Division of Communications and Marketing
Kansas State University
128 Dole Hall
1525 Mid-Campus Drive North
Manhattan, KS 66506

April 16, 2018

College of Education 'graffiti letters' keep KSUnite conversation current

Submitted by Patrice L. Scott

K-S-U grafifti letters in the College of Education Catalyst Center


That's the message behind three 8-foot tall K-S-U purple letters that inhabit the recently donned Unity Wall in the College of Education's Catalyst Center. 

The "graffiti letters" were installed shortly after the KSUnite walk because Dean Debbie Mercer envisioned the event as a conversation starter and realized the inherent value of this effort for future educators. Mercer turned to art instructor Trina Harlow to create the graffiti letters to encourage faculty, students and staff to share their vision for K-State. Anyone with a Sharpie and goodwill is welcome to add their thoughts. 

The three questions President Myers posed to the crowd during his speech are posted next to the letters for inspiration:

  1. What do you want K-State to look like going forward?

  2. What is the future that you want for our university and community?

  3. What will you commit to doing to make it that way?

"This is important," Mercer said, motioning toward the wall. "How we address issues as educators matters, what we say we value matters because students will quickly discern if we are living those values. All students deserve to have their voices heard, and to feel safe and accepted. My hope is these letters serve as a daily reminder of who we are as K-Staters and how we can live our highest ideals."

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