
At K-State an ombudsperson is an impartial faculty member or unclassified professional who serves as a resource to facilitate communication regarding concerns related to employment. The ombudsperson may also provide information about the grievance and appeal process and guide a grievant through the initial stages of a grievance. The ombudsperson assists faculty and unclassified professionals, including administrators, to provide information and facilitate communication.


Kansas State University Appointed Ombudspersons

Tara Coleman Jared Meitler Alfred Cochran

Tara Coleman

Associate Professor

Hale Library

Jared Meitler


Pre-Professional Advising Center

Alfred W. Cochran


School of Music, Theatre, and Dance

Phone: 785-532-5740


IOA - Who Are Ombuds?

Learn more about ombuds, their profession and how they can help K-State meet is full potential.

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Frequently Asked Questions


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