Examples of Dishonesty


This list of behaviors is not inclusive of all possible violations. When in doubt about whether your actions may violate the Honor Pledge, please consult with your instructor or call/email the Honor System Office for further clarification. (785-532-2595/honor@ksu.edu)


  1. In a paper or assignment, if you include material that you researched in a book, magazine, newspaper, and/or on the Web, you MUST cite the source.
  2. You must cite the source in the BODY of the text AND in a Works Cited or Reference section.
  3. If you copy somebody's test answers, take an essay from a magazine and pass it off as your own, lift a well-phrased sentence or two and copy and paste them without crediting the author or using quotation marks, or even pass off somebody's good ideas as examples of your own genius, you are committing plagiarism.
  4. Plagiarism covers unpublished as well as published sources. This can mean borrowing another's term paper, handing in as one's own work a paper purchased from an individual or off the Net, or submitting as one's own any papers from living group's, club's, or organization's files.
  5. EVEN HANDING IN THE SAME PAPER IN MORE THAN ONE CLASS can be considered plagiarism. Always check with the instructor BEFORE doing this. Professors must cite themselves when writing up their research; you are held to the same standards as a "junior" researcher.
  6. An excellent website that shows MLA and APA styles.
  7. Receive support with RefWorks at Hale Library.

Other Forms of Academic Cheating

These include, but are not limited to:

  1. consultation of textbooks, library materials, or notes in examinations where such materials are not to be used during the test;
  2. consultation of cell phone text messages, PDAs, programmable calculators with materials that give an advantage over other students during an exam;
  3. use of crib sheets or other hidden notes in an examination, or looking at another student's test paper to copy strategies or answers;
  4. having another person supply questions or answers from an examination to be given or in progress;
  5. having a person other than oneself (registered for the class) attempt to take or take an examination or any other graded activity. In these cases all consenting parties to the attempt to gain unfair advantage may be charged with an Honor Pledge violation;
  6. deliberate falsification of laboratory results, or submission of samples or findings not legitimately derived in the situation and by the procedures prescribed or allowable;
  7. revising and resubmitting a quiz or exam for regrading, without the instructor's knowledge and consent;
  8. giving or receiving unauthorized aid on a take-home examination;
  9. facilitating academic dishonesty: intentionally or knowingly helping or attempting to help another to violate the Honor Pledge;
  10. signing in another student's name on attendance sheets, rosters, Scantrons;
  11. submission in a paper, thesis, lab report, or other academic exercise of falsified, invented, or fictitious data or evidence, or deliberate or knowing concealment or distortion of the true nature, origin, or function of such data or evidence;
  12. procurement and/or alteration without permission from appropriate authority of examinations, papers, lab reports, or other academic exercises, whether discarded or actually used, and either before or after such materials have been handed in to the appropriate recipient; and
  13. collaborating with others on projects where such collaboration is expressly forbidden, or where the syllabus states the default being one's own work.