Honor Pledge Violations 2014-2015
The following violations of the Honor Pledge occurred at Kansas State University. Most recent occurrences are listed first. For definitions to some Honor & Integrity System terms used below, please access this web site link:TERM
This site was last updated on September 1, 2015
Case #2014/2015-157 - A junior was alleged to have completed an exam outside of the required online proctoring system. The reporting Professor sanctioned the student with a zero on the exam and EDCEP 502.
Case #2014/2015-156 - A senior was alleged to have copied online materials and presented as original work (plagiarism). The reporting instructor sanctioned student with a zero on the exam.
Case #2014/2015-155 - A graduate was alleged by a Professor to have falsely stated in his/her LinkedIn site that a Masters degree from Kansas State University had been earned (falsification). The violation report was submitted as an Option #2.
Case #2014/2015-154 - A graduate was alleged by a Professor to have falsely stated in his/her LinkedIn site that a Masters degree from Kansas State University had been earned (falsification). The violation report was submitted as an Option #2.
Case #2014/2015-153 - A graduate is alleged to have forged a Kansas State University diploma for a degree he or she did not have, and submitted it in an employment application. The reporting administrator submitted the violation report as an Option #2.
Case #2014/2015-152 -A senior was alleged to have plagiarized material from an online resource and submitted as his/her own work. The reporting Professor sanctioned the student with a 1 page reflection paper and provided an opportunity for up to 50% of the assignment grade to be granted.
Case #2014/2015-151 - A senior was alleged to have presented another's work as his/her own (plagiarism). The reporting instructor submitted the alleged violation as an Option 2 report.
Case #2014/2015-150 - A senior was alleged to have accessed course information using administrative KSOL privileges. The reporting instructor sanctioned the student with an XF in the course.
Case #2014/2015-149 - A junior and sophomore student were alleged to have worked together on an independent assignment (unauthorized collaboration). The reporting Professor sanctioned the students with a zero on the assignment, a letter grade reduction and EDCEP 502.
Case #2014/2015-148 - A junior was alleged to have copied from others while taking exams. The reporting Professor sanctioned the student with an XF in the course.
Case #2014/2015-147 - A sophomore was alleged to have used computer administration privileges to access other students' work in courses he/she was taking. The alleged violator then copied work and submitted as original (falsification, unauthorized aid, plagiarism). The reporting instructors and Associate Dean submitted violation as an Option 2 Violation Report. Their recommendation was expulsion if student found responsible for violating the Honor Pledge.
Case #2014/2015-146 - A sophomore was alleged to have obtained another student's exam, erased the original name, put his/her name on exam and submitted as authentic work, and left name of his/her own exam to deceive the instructor. The reporting instructor sanctioned the student with an XF.
Case #2014/2015-145 - A junior was alleged to have copied other student's work on assignments and while taking a final exam (unauthorized collaboration, plagiarism, falsification). The reporting Professor sanctioned student with zeros on the assignments and exam, EDCEP 502 and an XF in the course.
Case #2014/2015-144 - A senior was alleged to have worked with another student on a final exam (unauthorized collaboration). The reporting Professor sanctioned the student with a zero on the exam.
Case #2014/2015-143 - A senior was alleged to have copied online resources and presented as original (plagiarism). The reporting Professor sanctioned the student with a zero on the assignment and EDCEP 502.
Case #2014/2015-142 - A junior was alleged to have copied another student's work while taking a final exam (unauthorized collaboration and/or falsification). The reporting instructor sanctioned the student with a zero on the exam and EDCEP 502.
Case #2014/2015-141 - A junior was alleged to have copied another student's work while taking the final exam (plagiarism). The reporting instructor sanctioned the student with EDCEP 502 and an XF.
Case #2014/2015-140 - A junior was alleged to have copied online materials and presented as original (plagiarism). The reporting instructor sanctioned student with a zero on the assignment and EDCEP 502.
Case #2014/2015-139 - A freshman was alleged to have copied online materials and presented as original (plagiarism). The reporting instructor sanctioned student with a zero on the assignment, EDCEP 502 and an XF in the course.
Case #2014/2015-138 - A freshman was alleged to have copied online materials and presented as original (plagiarism). The reporting Professor sanctioned student with a zero on the assignment and EDCEP 502.
Case #2014/2015-137 - A freshman was alleged to have falsified numerous observational type assignments. The reporting instructor sanctioned the student with a zero on the assignments, EDCEP 502 and an XF in the course.
Case #2014/2015-136 - A freshman was alleged to have copied another student's work and presented as original (plagiarism and/or unauthorized collaboration). The reporting instructor sanctioned student with an official warning, a zero on the assignment and EDCEP 502.
Case #2014/2015-135 - A sophomore was alleged to have copied material online and presented as original work (plagiarism). The reporting professor sanctioned the student with a zero on the assignment and EDCEP 502.
Case #2014/2015-134 - A sophomore was alleged to have accessed other students' assignments via privileged given him as an employee of Kansas State University. The reporting instructor sanctioned student with an XF.
Case #2014/2015-132 - A freshman was alleged to have copied online work and presented as original work (plagiarism). The reporting instructor sanctioned the student with a zero on the assignment, an official warning, and EDCEP 502.
Case #2014/2015-131 - A junior was alleged to have presented a fake doctor's note in the attempt to obtain an excused absence (falsification). The reporting Professor sanctioned the student with EDCEP 502 and an XF in the course.
Case #2014/2015-130 - A graduate student copied the work of others and presented as original (plagiarism). The reporting Professor sanctioned the student with EDCEP 502 and an XF in the course.
Case #2014/2015-129 - A sophomore copied the work of others and presented as original (plagiarism). The reporting Professor sanctioned the student with a zero on the assignment and EDCEP 502.
Case #2014/2015-128 - Two seniors were alleged to have worked together on an assignment that was to be done independently (unauthorized collaboration and/or plagiarism). The reporting Professor sanctioned the students with EDCEP 502, a zero on the assignment and grade caps in the course.
Case #2014/2015-127 - A junior was alleged to have changed answers on a Scantron exam sheet and presented it as the original (falsification). The reporting instructor sanctioned the student with an XF in the course and EDCEP 502.
Case #2014/2015-126 - A freshman was alleged to have copied online material and presented as original work (plagiarism). The reporting Professor sanctioned the student with a zero on the assignment and a reflection paper.
Case #2014/2015-125 - A sophomore was alleged to have copied online material and presented as original work (plagiarism). The reporting Professor sanctioned the student with a zero on the assignment and a reflection paper.
Case #2014/2015-124 - A sophomore was alleged to have copied online material and presented as original work (plagiarism). The reporting Professor sanctioned the student with a zero on the assignment and a reflection paper.
Case #2014/2015-123 - A sophomore and a senior was alleged to have worked together on quizzes (unauthorized collaboration). The reporting Professor sanctioned the students with zeros on the assignments, a letter grade reduction, and EDCEP 502.
Case #2014/2015-122 - A senior was alleged to have accessed exam information prior to taking exam (unauthorized aid). The reporting Professor sanctioned the student with an official warning.
Case #2014/2015-121 - A senior was alleged to have copied material word for word and presented as original work (plagiarism). The reporting professor sanctioned the student with a reduced grade.
Case #2014/2015-120 - Two juniors were alleged to have submitted the same work (plagiarism and/or unauthorized collaboration). The reporting instructor sanctioned the students with an official warning and a zero on the assignment.
Case #2014/2015-119 - Two sophomores and a senior was alleged to have turned in another person's work and presented it as original work (unauthorized collaboration and/or plagiarism). The reporting instructor issued an official warning and a zero on the assignment.
Case #2014/2015-118 - A freshman was alleged to have paid an outside expert to complete two assignments (unauthorized aid and/or other misconduct). The reporting instructor sanctioned the student with a zero on the assignments, EDCEP 502 and an XF in the course.
Case #2014/2015-117 - case dropped
Case #2014/2015-116 - A junior was alleged to have changed some original portions of an exam and presented it for regrading as if the new content was originally there (falsification). The reporting Professor sanctioned the student with an XF in the course.
Case #2014/2015-115
Case #2014/2015-114 - A graduate student was alleged to have falsified several documents and participation activities in a course. The reporting professor sanctioned student with an XF and a large reflection type assignment.
Case #2014/2015-113 - A senior was alleged to have repeatedly copied the work of others and presented it as original work on a significant team project (plagiarism). The reporting professor sanctioned student with an XF in the course.
Case #2014/2015-112 - A junior was alleged to have copied online materials and submitted as original work in a midterm paper. The reporting professor sanctioned the student with an official warning, a zero on the assignment and the opportunity to rewrite the paper with a max grade of C.
Case #2014/2015-111 - A sophomore was alleged to have copied work from a source and from another student. The reporting instructor sanctioned student with zeros on 2 assignments and an official warning.
Case #2014/2015-110 - A senior was alleged to have copied from another student while taking an exam (unauthorized collaboration). The reporting Professor sanctioned the student with an XF in the course.
Case #2014/2015-109 - A sophomore was alleged to have copied online resources for three papers and submitted the work as original (plagiarism). The reporting Professor sanctioned the student with a complete redo of the 3 papers and an official warning.
Case #2014/2015-108 - A sophomore was alleged to have falsified the attendance of an event (falsification), and then submitted another student's report. The reporting Professor sanctioned the student with a zero on the assignment.
Case #2014/2015-107 - A graduate student accessed outside information while taking program comprehensive exams (unauthorized aid). The reporting Professor sanctioned a failing grade on the exams, a retake of the comprehensive exams, an additional course, and a reflection paper.
Case #2014/2015-106 - A sophomore was alleged to have repeatedly copied (or attempted to copy) from others while taking exams (unauthorized collaboration). The reporting Instructor first warned the student in the course, and then issued an XF because of repeated misconduct.
Case #2014/2015-105 - Two seniors were alleged to have submitted copied work and claimed it to be original (other, academic misconduct). The reporting professor sanctioned the students with a reduction in grade and EDCEP 502.
Case #2014/2015-104 - A freshman was alleged to have given unauthorized help to another student. The reporting instructor sanctioned the student with a zero on the assignment, EDCEP 502 and an XF in the course.
Case #2014/2015-103 - A senior was alleged to have submitted solutions from the answer key as his/her own creative work (other). The reporting Professor sanctioned the student with an XF.
Case #2014/2015-102 - A senior was alleged to have copied online materials and presented as original work (plagiarism). The reporting Professor sanctioned the student with a 1 page reflection paper, and a rewrite of the assignment.
Case #2014/2015-101 - A junior was alleged to have copied online materials and presented as original work (plagiarism). The reporting Professor sanctioned the student with a 1 page reflection paper, and a rewrite of the assignment.
Case #2014/2015-100 - A junior was alleged to have copied online materials and presented as original work (plagiarism). The reporting Professor sanctioned the student with a 1 page reflection paper, and a rewrite of the assignment.
Case #2014/2015-099 - A senior was alleged to have copied online materials and presented as original work (plagiarism). The reporting Professor sanctioned the student with a 1 page reflection paper, and a rewrite of the assignment.
Case #2014/2015-098 - A junior was alleged to have copied online materials and presented as original work (plagiarism). The reporting Professor sanctioned the student with a 1 page reflection paper, and a rewrite of the assignment.
Case #2014/2015-097 - A graduate student was alleged to have copied online materials and presented as original work (plagiarism). The reporting Professor sanctioned the student with a 1 page reflection paper, and a rewrite of the assignment.
Case #2014/2015-096 - A sophomore was alleged to have copied an online resources without giving proper citation (plagiarism). The reporting Professor sanctioned the student with a zero on the assignment.
Case #2014/2015-095 - A senior was alleged to have copied an online resources and presented as original work (plagiarism). The reporting instructor sanctioned student with a zero on the assignment and EDCEP 502.
Case #2014/2015-094 - A senior was alleged to have copied an online resource and presented it as original work (plagiarism). The reporting instructor sanctioned the student with an XF and EDCEP 502.
Case #2014/2015-093 - A sophomore was alleged to have given unauthorized help to another student (plagiarism and/or unauthorized collaboration). The reporting instructor sanctioned student with a zero on the assignment, and an official warning.
Case #2014/2015-092 - A freshman was alleged to have copied and/or stole another student's work and presented as his/her own work (plagiarism and/or unauthorized collaboration). The reporting instructor sanctioned student with a zero on the assignment, an XF in the course, and EDCEP 502.
Case #2014/2015-091 - A junior was alleged to have submitted another student's work as his/her own creative work (unauthorized collaboration). The reporting Professor sanctioned student with an official warning and a reduced grade on the assignment.
Case #2014/2015-090 - A sophomore was alleged to have allowed another student to copy his/her work while taking an exam (unauthorized collaboration). The reporting Professor sanctioned the student with a zero on the exam and EDCEP 502.
Case #2014/2015-089 - A sophomore was alleged to have copied another student's work while taking an exam (unauthorized collaboration). The reporting professor sanctioned student with an XF.
Case #2014/2015-088 - A freshman was alleged to have copied another student's paper (plagiarism). The reporting instructor sanctioned the student with a zero on the assignment and EDCEP 502.
Case #2014/2015-087 - A freshman was alleged to have copied a speech of another and presented it as his/her own creative work (plagiarism and/or falsification). The reporting instructor sanctioned the student with a zero on the assignment and EDCEP 502.
Case #2014/2015-086 - A freshman allegedly lied about completing an exam and not receiving credit (falsification). The reporting Professor sanctioned the student with a zero on the exam.
Case #2014/2015-085 - Two freshman and one sophomore were alleged to have collaborated on a homework that was to be completed individually (unauthorized collaboration). The reporting instructor sanctioned the students with a zero on the assignment and an official warning.
Case #2014/2015-084 - A junior was alleged to have accessed his/her cell phone while taking an exam (unauthorized aid). The reporting Professor sanctioned the student with a zero on the exam.
Case #2014/2015-083 - A junior attempted to copy another student's work, and/or tried to use a calculator when taking an exam. The reporting instructor sanctioned the student with a zero on the exam, a zero for professional conduct category, EDCEP 502 and and XF in the course.
Case #2014/2015-082 - A senior was alleged to have used outside material while taking a closed book exam (unauthorized aid). The professor sanctioned student with a zero on the exam.
Case #2014/2015-081 - Two seniors were alleged by an instructor to have falsified an in class assignment. The sanction issued was a zero on the assignment.
Case #2014/2015-080 - A senior was alleged to have copied other work and presented as his/her own creative work (plagiarism). The reporting professor sanctioned the student with a zero on the assignment.
Case #2014/2015-079 – A sophomore was alleged to have accessed course information while taking the final exam (unauthorized aid). The reporting professor sanctioned the student with an XF in the course.
Case #2014/2015-078 – A senior and a sophomore were alleged to have collaborated while taking the final exam (unauthorized collaboration). The reporting instructor sanctioned the students with a zero on exam and an XF.
Case #2014/2015-077 – One freshman was alleged to have provided another freshman with final exam answers. The reporting Instructor sanctioned both students with an XF in the course.
Case #2014/2015-076 – A senior was alleged to have altered previously graded exams to improve his/her grade. The reporting Professor sanctioned the student with an XF and EDCEP 502.
Case #2014/2015-075 – A sophomore is alleged to have copied some of another student's answer while taking a final exam. The reporting instructor sanctioned student with a zero on the final.
Case #2014/2015-074 - A sophomore was alleged to have stolen other student's work and submitted as his/her own original work (falsification and other). The reporting Professor submitted allegation as an Option 2 and is recommending expulsion if student is found to have violated the Honor Code.
Case #2014/2015-073 - A sophomore was alleged to have copied online resources and presented as his/her own original work (plagiarism). The reporting Professor sanctioned the student with a zero on the assignment.
Case #2014/2015-072 -
Case #2014/2015-071 - A junior was alleged to have copied others work and submitted as his/her own original work (plagiarism). The reporting professor sanctioned student with the requirement to revise the report.
Case#2014/2015-070 - A freshman was alleged to have submitted another student's work as his/her own (plagiarism and/or falsification). The reporting Professor and instructor sanctioned the student with a zero on the assignment and EDCEP 502.
Case #2014/2015-069 - Two sophomores copied material and presented as their own original work (plagiarism). The reporting Professor sanctioned the students with a zero on the assignment and EDCEP 502.
Case #2014/2015-068 - Two freshman copied material and presented as their own original work (plagiarism). The reporting Professor sanctioned the students with a zero on the assignment and EDCEP 502.
Case #2014/2015-067 - A freshman was alleged to have copied another student's work and submitted as his/her own original work (plagiarism and/or falsification). The reporting Professor and instructor sanctioned the student with a zero on the assignment and EDCEP 502.
Case #2014/2015-066 - A freshman was alleged to have copied online resources and presented as his/her own work (plagiarism). The reporting Professor and instructor sanctioned the student with a zero on the assignment and EDCEP 502.
Case #2014/2015-065 - A junior was alleged to have accessed a solutions manual to complete an assignment (unauthorized collaboration). The reporting instructor sanctioned the student with a reduced grade on the assignment, a letter grade reduction in the course and EDCEP 502.
Case #2014/2015-064 - A senior was alleged to have accessed a solutions manual to complete an assignment (unauthorized collaboration). The reporting instructor sanctioned the student with a reduced grade on the assignment, a letter grade reduction in the course and EDCEP 502.
Case #2014/2015-063 - A junior was alleged to have accessed a solutions manual to complete an assignment (unauthorized collaboration). The reporting instructor sanctioned the student with a reduced grade on the assignment, a letter grade reduction in the course and EDCEP 502.
Case #2014/2015-062 -
Case #2014/2015-061 - A junior was alleged to have accessed a solutions manual to complete an assignment (unauthorized collaboration). The reporting instructor sanctioned the student with a reduced grade on the assignment, a letter grade reduction in the course and EDCEP 502.
Case #2014/2015-060 - A junior was alleged to have accessed a solutions manual to complete an assignment (unauthorized collaboration). The reporting instructor sanctioned the student with a reduced grade on the assignment, a letter grade reduction in the course and EDCEP 502.
Case #2014/2015-059 - A junior was alleged to have accessed a solutions manual to complete an assignment (unauthorized collaboration). The reporting instructor sanctioned the student with a reduced grade on the assignment, a letter grade reduction in the course and EDCEP 502.
Case #2014/2015-058 - A junior was alleged to have accessed a solutions manual to complete an assignment (unauthorized collaboration). The reporting instructor sanctioned the student with a reduced grade on the assignment, a letter grade reduction in the course and EDCEP 502.
Case #2014/2015-057 - A junior was alleged to have accessed a solutions manual to complete an assignment (unauthorized collaboration). The reporting instructor sanctioned the student with a reduced grade on the assignment, a letter grade reduction in the course and EDCEP 502.
Case #2014/2015-056 - A freshman was alleged to have copied online resources and presented as his/her own original work (plagiarism). The reporting Professor sanctioned the student with a zero on the assignment.
Case #2014/2015-055 - Three freshmen submitted work of another and claimed it to be their own original work (unauthorized collaboration). The reporting Professor sanctioned the students with a zero on the assignment and EDCEP 502.
Case #2014/2015-054 - A graduate student copied materials from online resources and presented as his/her own work (plagiarism). The reporting Professor sanctioned the student with a course grade of F and EDCEP 502.
Case #2014/2015-053 - Two freshman were alleged to have submitted almost identical work (unauthorized aid). The reporting Professor sanctioned the students with the requirement to repeat the assignment.
Case #2014/2015-052 - A junior and a freshman were alleged to turn in virtually identical work (plagiarism and/or unauthorized collaboration). The reporting Professor submitted case as an Option 2.
Case #2014/2015-051 - Two sophomores and a senior student were alleged to have falsified class notes. The reporting instructor and Professor sanctioned the students with a reduced grade on the assignment.
Case #2014/2015-050 - Three seniors were alleged to have completed an independent assignment together (unauthorized collaboration). The reporting instructor sanctioned the students with a zero on the assignment.
Case #2014/2015-049 - Three juniors were alleged to have completed an independent assignment together (unauthorized collaboration). The reporting instructor sanctioned the students with a zero on the assignment.
Case #2014/2015-048 - A sophomore was alleged to have copied work from SparkNotes verbatim and presented it as his/her own original work (plagiarism and/or unauthorized aid). The reporting instructor sanctioned the student with EDCEP 502 and an XF in the course.
Case #2014/2015-047 - A junior was alleged to have plagiarized material from an online resources. The reporting Professor sanctioned the student with zero on the assignment and EDCEP 502.
Case #2014/2015-046 - A sophomore was alleged to have plagiarized material from the internet. The reporting Professor sanctioned the student with a zero on the assignment and EDCEP 502.
Case #2014/2015-045 - A junior was alleged to have plagiarized material from the internet. The reporting Professor sanctioned the student with a zero on the assignment and EDCEP 502.
Case #2014/2015-044 - A junior was alleged to have copied an online resource and presented as his/her own original work (plagiarism). The reporting professor sanctioned the student with a zero on the assignment.
Case #2014/2015-043 - A freshman was alleged to have plagiarized material from the internet. The reporting Professor sanctioned the student with a zero on the assignment and EDCEP 502.
Case #2014/2015-042 - A senior and a junior were alleged to have collaborated on an exam (unauthorized collaboration). The reporting instructor submitted the alleged violation as an Option 2 report.
Case #2014/2015-041 - A freshman was alleged to have falsely stated he/she thoroughly participated in a group project activity (falsification). The reporting Professor and teaching assistant sanctioned the student with a zero on the assignment and EDCEP 502.
Case #2014/2015-040 - A junior was alleged to have copied an example from the course and presented it as his/her own original work. The reporting professor sanctioned student with a zero on th related portion of assignment.
Case #2014/2015-039 - A freshman was alleged to have plagiarized material from an online resource. The reporting instructor sanctioned student with a 50% score on assignment and a related discussion about proper citation requirements.
Case #2014/2015-038 - A junior was alleged to have accessed many pages of hidden notes while taking a closed note exam. The reporting instructor sanctioned the student with an XF.
Case #2014/2015-037 - A senior was alleged to have accessed unauthorized information or resources while taking a take-home exam. The reporting instructor sanctioned student with an XF.
Case #2014/2015-036 - A senior accessed the solutions manual for the course text and copied solutions without proper citation (plagiarism). The reporting professor sanctioned the student with a zero on the three assignments.
Case #2014/2015-035 - A sophomore was alleged to have presented the instructor's work as his/her own work in an assignment. The reporting professor sanctioned student with a zero on the assignment and EDCEP 502.
Case #2014/2015-034 - A senior attempted to access unauthorized online resources via cell phone while taking a quiz (plagiarism and/or unauthorized aid). The reporting Professor sanctioned the student with a zero on the exam, EDCEP 502, and an XF in the course.
Case #2014/2015-033 - Two freshman were reported to have worked together on an assignment that was to be done independently (unauthorized collaboration). The reporting instructor and professor sanctioned the students with a grade cap of 89% and EDCEP 502.
Case #2014/2015-032 - Two sophomores and a junior were alleged to have copied a previous student's work and submitted as their own original work. The reporting professor sanctioned the students with an XF in the course.
Case #2014/2015-031 - A junior was alleged to have copied another student's work (plagiarism). The reporting instructor sanctioned the student with a zero on the assignment.
Case #2014/2015-030 - A junior was alleged to have copied another student's work (plagiarism). The reporting instructor sanctioned the student with a zero on the assignment.
Case #2014/2015-029 - A senior was alleged to have copied another student's work (plagiarism). The reporting instructor sanctioned the student with a zero on the assignment.
Case #2014/2015-028 - A sophomore was alleged to have given his/her detailed work to another student so that it could be copied (plagiarism). The reporting instructor sanctioned the student with a zero on the assignment.
Case #2014/2015-027 - A junior gave his iclicker to another student as he/she was existing the class so that he/she would receive attendance credit (academic misconduct). The reporting Professor sanctioned student with a reduced grade on the assignment and EDCEP 502.
Case #2014/2015-026 - A senior was alleged to have accessed a text while taking an exam in a distance course (unauthorized aid). The reporting professor sanctioned student with an XF.
Case #2014/2015-025 - A senior copied the work of others and presented as original work (plagiarism). The reporting professor sanctioned the student with a zero on the assignment and EDCEP 502.
Case #2014/2015-024 - A senior was alleged to have copied work of another student while taking an exam (unauthorized collaboration). The reporting professor sanctioned the student with a zero on the exam and revoked the privilege of dropping the lowest exam grade.
Case #2014/2015-023 - A junior was alleged to copied online resources and submitted as original work (plagiarism) for a second time in the same course. The reporting instructor had warned the student that if plagiarism was committed again then the student would be sanctioned with an XF. So, the reporter sanctioned student with an XF in the course.
Case #2014/2015-022 - A non degree student was alleged to have copied material from an online resource and presented as his/her own work (plagiarism). The reporting Professor sanctioned the student with an XF.
Case #2014/2015-021 - A non degree student was alleged to have copied material from an online resource and presented as his/her own work (plagiarism). The reporting Professor sanctioned the student with an XF.
Case #2014/2015-020 - A sophomore was alleged to have copied from other students during an exam. The reporting instructors sanctioned the student with an XF.
Case #2014/2015-019 - A junior was alleged to have brought unauthorized notes to an exam. The reporting instructor sanctioned student with a zero on the exam and EDCEP 502.
Case #2014/2015-018 - A freshman was alleged to have copied from other students during an exam. The reporting instructors and professor sanctioned the student with an XF.
Case #2014/2015-017 - A senior was alleged to have copied online resources and presented as his/her own work. The reporting professor sanctioned student with a zero on the assignment.
Case #2014/2015-016 - A junior was alleged to have copied materials online and presented it for his/her own work (plagiarism). The reporting Professor sanctioned the student with a zero on the assignment.
Case #2014/2015-015 - A graduate student was alleged to have copied materials online and presented as his/her own work (plagiarism). The reporting professors sanctioned student with a zero on the assignment (with a rewrite opportunity) and EDCEP 502.
Case #2014/2015-014 - Two sophomores and two seniors were alleged to have worked together on an independent assignment (unauthorized collaboration). The reporting Professor sanctioned the students with a zero on the assignment, a letter grade reduction in the course, and EDCEP 502.
Case #2014/2015-013 - A junior was alleged to have copied work from an online resource and presented as his/her own work (plagiarism). The reporting instructor sanctioned the student with a warning and a reduced grade on the assignment.
Case #2014/2015-012 - Two seniors are alleged to have cheated on an exam by one copying answers of the other (unauthorized collaboration). The reporting Professor submitted the violation as an Option 2 which requires a Case Review Board hearing.
Case #2014/2015-011 - Case was dropped
Case #2014/2015-010 - A sophomore was alleged to have presented the work of others as his/her own work (plagiarism). The reporting instructor sanctioned the student with two zero grades and EDCEP 502.
Case #2014/2015-009 - A junior was alleged to have copied material from an online blog and presented as his/her own work. The reporting Professor sanctioned student with a zero on the assignment until a rewrite was completed.
Case #2014/2015-008 - Two seniors were alleged to have worked together on an assignment that was required to be done independently. One student gave another his/her work. The 2nd student copied the work almost verbatim. The reporting instructor sanctioned students with a zero on the assignment and EDCEP 502.
Case #2014/2015-007 - A freshman student was alleged to have copied a sophomore student's work while taking an exam. The exams were administered in an alternating format. A non-KSU student sat in-between the two students and copied the sophomore's work in large type so the freshman could copy the answer. The reporting instructor sanctioned both students with an XF in the course.
Case #2014/2015-006 - A sophomore was alleged to have copied another student's work during an exam (unauthorized aid). The reporting professor sanctioned student with an XF.
Case #2014/2015-005 -A senior was alleged to have copied online materials and presented as original work (plagiarism). The reporting professor sanctioned student with a zero on the assignment and EDCEP 502.
Case #2014/2015-004 - A freshman was alleged to have copied online resources and presented as original work. The reporting instructor sanctioned student with a reduced grade.
Case #2014/2015-003 - A graduate of nearly 35 years ago self reported that he/she copied the work of another student for an assignment (plagiarism). He/she confessed the violation to the Dean of the College in a hand-written letter. The Dean submitted a violation report and sanctioned the graduate with an official warning.
Case #2014/2015-002 - A senior was alleged to have attempted to have another student complete an online exam. Compensation was also offered. The other student refused offer and reported situation to an administrator. The reporting administrator sanctioned student with an official warning, two meetings with different individuals to discuss violation and EDCEP 502.
Case #2014/2015-001 - A graduate student was alleged to have presented the ideas of other people as his/her own original ideas (plagiarism). The reporting Professor submitted alleged violation as an Option 2 report. He/she recommended an XF.