Honor Pledge Violations 2013-2014

The following violations of the Honor Pledge occurred at Kansas State University. Most recent occurrences are listed first. For definitions to some Honor & Integrity System terms used below, please access this web site link:TERM

This site was last updated on August 13, 2014


Case #2013/2014-197 - A sophomore was alleged to have used outside resources and presented the work of others as his/her own original work (plagiarism and/or falsification). The reporting instructor sanctioned the student with a zero on the assignment, a 25 point reduction in a professional conduct type category, an XF and EDCEP 502.

Case #2013/2014-196 - Two juniors were alleged to have worked together on numerous course assignments and tests (unauthorized collaboration). The reporting instructor sanctioned the students with EDCEP 502 and an XF in the course.

Case #2013/2014-195 - A junior was alleged to have copied online resources and presented as his/her own work (plagiarism). The reporting instructor sanctioned student with a zero on the assignment and EDCEP 502.


Case #2013/2014-194 - A senior was alleged to have copied materials from resources and presented as his/her own work (plagiarism). The reporting professor sanctioned student with a 1 page reflection paper, and an opportunity to revise assignment for a max of 50% credit.


Case #2013/2014-193 - A junior was alleged to have accessed resources on the web while taking an online exam (unauthorized aid). The reporting Instructor sanctioned the student with a zero on the exam and EDCEP 502.

Case #2013/2014-192 - A junior was alleged to have accessed resources on the web while taking an online exam (unauthorized aid). The reporting Instructor sanctioned the student with a zero on the exam and EDCEP 502.

Case #2013/2014-191 - A junior was alleged to have accessed resources on the web while taking an online exam (unauthorized aid). The reporting Instructor sanctioned the student with a zero on the exam and EDCEP 502.

Case #2013/2014-188-190 - Cases were dropped

Case #2013/2014-187 - Two seniors were alleged to have violated the Honor Pledge via unauthorized collaboration. One student fell asleep in class and woke up for a quiz. A nearby student gave his/her answer to the student that missed the lecture. The course Instructor sanctioned both students with a zero on the assignment.

Case #2013/2014-186 - A senior was alleged to have taken quizzes via distance instead on in class as required. The reporting instructor sanctioned the student with zeros on the assignments and EDCEP 502.


Case #2013/2014-185 - Two juniors were alleged to have worked together on an independent project (unauthorized collaboration and/or plagiarism). The reporting instructor sanctioned students with an XF and EDCEP 502.

Case #2013/2014-184 - A senior was alleged to have copied resources and presented as his/her own original work (plagiarism). The reporting Professor sanctioned student with a zero on the assignment and a warning.

Case #2013/2014-183 - A recently graduated Ph.D. student was alleged to have forged research data and copied the work of others (plagiarism and/or falsification). Three professors reported situation and recommended the following sanctions: no credit for research hours, the revocation of an award with monetary prize, expulsion, and revocation of Ph.D. degree.

Case #2013/2014-182 - A junior and a senior were alleged to have worked together on a project that was to be done independently (unauthorized collaboration). The reporting instructor sanctioned students with a zero on the assignment.

Case #2013/2014-181 - A freshman and a sophomore were alleged to have copied from one another while completing a final exam (unauthorized collaboration). The reporting instructor sanctioned the students with a 1 letter grade reduction for the course.

Case #2013/2014-180 - A graduate student was alleged to have copied material from a resource and presented it as his/her own creative work (plagiarism). The reporting instructor sanctioned student with a grade cap of B and EDCEP 502.

Case#2013/2014-179 -A senior resubmitted assignments that were completed during a previous semester while retaking the same course (falsification). The assignments were required to be original work regardless if a student had previously taken the course. The reporting Instructor sanctioned student with an XF.

Case#2013/2014-178 - A senior resubmitted assignments that were completed during a previous semester while retaking the same course (falsification). The assignments were required to be original work regardless if a student had previously taken the course. The reporting Instructor sanctioned student with an XF.

Case#2013/2014-177 - A junior was alleged to have copied another student's work and presented as original work (plagiarism). The reporting instructor sanctioned student with a zero on assignment, EDCEP 502 and a required rewrite of assignment. If student fails to rewrite assignment then an XF will be issued.

Case#2013/2014-176 - Two sophomores were alleged to have allowed another student to use his/her work (unauthorized collaboration and/or plagiarism). The reporting Instructor sanctioned student with an incomplete grade until EDCEP 502 is completed. If EDCEP 502 is not completed within 1 semester then grade becomes an XF.

Case#2013/2014-175 - A sophomore was alleged to have submitted the work of another student (unauthorized collaboration). The reporting Professor sanctioned student with an XF and EDCEP 502.

Case#2013/2014-174 - A sophomore worked with another student on an independent assignment (unauthorized collaboration). The reporting instructor sanctioned student with a rewrite of the assignment, and EDCEP 502.

Case#2013/2014-173 -A freshman was alleged to have copied the work of a previous student and presented it as his/her own work (plagiarism). The reporting Instructor and Professor sanctioned student with a reduced grade on the assignment and EDCEP 502.

Case#2013/2014-172 - A freshman was alleged to have copied the work of a previous student and presented it as his/her own work (plagiarism). The reporting Instructor and Professor sanctioned student with a reduced grade on the assignment and EDCEP 502.

Case#2013/2014-171 - Two sophomores are alleged to have copied a resource, or each others' work, and presented it as their own creative work. The reporting Professor sanctioned the students with a zero on the assignment and EDCEP 502.

Case#2013/2014-170 - Two sophomore students were alleged to have worked together on an independent assignment (unauthorized collaboration). The reporting Instructor sanctioned student with a warning and a zero on the assignment.

Case#2013/2014-169 - A senior was alleged to have provided his/her work from a previous semester to a current student who copied the work and submitted it as his/her own creative product (unauthorized collaboration). The reporting instructor sanctioned student with EDCEP 502.

Case#2013/2014-168 - A sophomore and a junior were alleged to have worked together on an independent, semester-long assignment (unauthorized collaboration and/or plagiarism). The reporting Instructor sanctioned students with a zero on the assignment and an XF in the course.

Case#2013/2014-167 - A junior was alleged to have copied a resource without giving proper credit to the authors (plagiarism). The reporting Professor sanctioned student with a zero on the assignment and EDCEP 502.

Case#2013/2014-166 - A junior was alleged to have copied the work of another student (plagiarism). The reporting Professor sanctioned student with a zero on the assignment and EDCEP 502.

Case#2013/2014-165 - A junior was alleged to have copied the work of another student and presented it as his/her own work (plagiarism). Several assignments were copied. The reporting Instructor sanctioned student with an XF.

Case#2013/2014-164 - A sophomore was alleged to have copied another student's project and submitted it as his/her own work (plagiarism and/or unauthorized collaboration). The reporting instructor sanctioned student with a zero on the assignment and an XF.

Case#2013/2014-163 - A sophomore was alleged to have copied another student's project and submitted it as his/her own work (plagiarism and/or unauthorized collaboration). The reporting instructor sanctioned student with a zero on the assignment and an XF.

Case#2013/2014-162 - A sophomore was alleged to have copied the answer on an exam from another student (unauthorized collaboration). The reporting Instructor sanctioned student with an XF and EDCEP 502.

Case#2013/2014-161 -A senior was alleged to have copied another student's work and presented as his/her own work (plagiarism). The reporting instructor sanctioned student with an XF.

Case#2013/2014-160 -A sophomore was alleged to have falsified the instructor's initials on an assignment (falsification). The reporting Professor sanctioned student with a zero on the assignment and EDCEP 502.

Case#2013/2014-159 - A freshman was alleged to have falsified the instructor's initials on an assignment (falsification). The reporting Professor sanctioned student with a zero on the assignment and EDCEP 502.

Case#2013/2014-158 - A junior was alleged to have copied another student's work and presented it as his/her own work. The reporting Professor sanctioned student with an XF.

Case#2013/2014-157 -A senior was alleged to have copied materials from online resources and presented it as his/her own work in at least 2 reports (plagiarism). The reporting Professor sanctioned student with an XF.

Case#2013/2014-156 - A senior was alleged to have copied materials from online resources and presented it as his/her own work in 5 reports (plagiarism). The reporting Professor sanctioned student with an XF.


Case#2013/2014-155 -A sophomore was alleged to have used notes while taking a closed book exam (unauthorized aid). The reporting Instructor sanctioned student with an XF and the requirement to complete EDCEP 502.

Case#2013/2014-154 -Two freshman was alleged to have worked together on an assignment that was to be done independently (unauthorized collaboration and/or plagiarism and/or falsification). The reporting Instructor sanctioned students with a zero on the assignment and EDCEP 502.

Case#2013/2014-153 -Two freshmen were alleged to have worked together on an independent assignment, or copied off each other. The reporting Instructor sanctioned students with a zero on the assignment and an official warning.

Case#2013/2014-152 -A freshman and a sophomore were alleged to have worked together on an independent assignment, or copied off each other. The reporting Instructor sanctioned students with a zero on the assignment and an official warning.

Case#2013/2014-151 -A freshman and two junior were alleged to have worked together on an independent assignment, or copied off each other. The reporting Instructor sanctioned students with a zero on the assignment and EDCEP 502.

Case#2013/2014-150 - A freshman and a junior were alleged to have worked together on an independent assignment, or copied off each other. The reporting Instructor sanctioned students with a zero on the assignment and an official warning.

Case#2013/2014-149 - A sophomore was alleged to have used notes while taking a closed book exam (unauthorized aid). The reporting Instructor sanctioned student with an XF and the requirement to complete EDCEP 502.

Case#2013/2014-144-148 - Two juniors and three seniors were alleged to have copied the work of other students and presented it as their own work (plagiarism). The reporting Instructor sanctioned students with EDCEP 502 and a grade reduction. The Instructor did provide the opportunity of all 35 assignments could be redone and up to 50% credit could be earned.

Case#2013/2014-143 - A senior was alleged to have copied material from a resource and presented it as his/her own work (plagiarism). The reporting Instructor sanctioned student with a zero on the assignment and EDCEP 502.

Case#2013/2014-142 - A sophomore was alleged to have copied online material and presented it as his/her own work (plagiarism). The reporting Professor sanctioned student with a zero on the assignment and to require EDCEP 502 Development and Integrity course.

Case#2013/2014-141 -A senior was alleged to have copied a solution from a solutions manual (unauthorized aid). The reporting Professor sanctioned student with a zero on the assignment and an official warning.

Case#2013/2014-140 - A senior was alleged to have copied large portions of an essay from an internet source and presented it as his/her own work. The reporting Professor sanctioned the student with an XF in the course.

Case#2013/2014-139 - A freshman was alleged to have copied material from an online resource and presented it as his/her own work (plagiarism). The reporting Professor sanctioned student with a zero on the assignment, a chance to rewrite the assignment with a grade cap of C, and EDCEP 502.

Case#2013/2014-138 - A senior was alleged to have written unauthorized notes on a desk top prior to taking a quiz so that the notes could be used while taking the quiz. The reporting Professor sanctioned student with a zero on the assignment, a letter grade reduction in the course and EDCEP 502.

Case#2013/2014-137 - A senior was alleged to have copied a solution from a solutions manual (unauthorized aid). The reporting Professor sanctioned student with a zero on the assignment and an official warning.

Case#2013/2014-136 -A graduating senior was alleged to have used notes while completing a closed book exam. The notes were well created, an elaborate plan was implemented to conceal and use the notes while taking a closed book exam in a critical course in the program. The reporting instructor submitted the violation report as an Option 2 and is recommending the following sanctions: an XF in the course and that the student be permanently expelled from the University.

Case#2013/2014-135 - A junior was alleged to have received outside aid while taking an exam (unauthorized aid). The reporting Instructor sanctioned student with a warning and the requirement that the exam be retaken.

Case#2013/2014-134 -A senior was alleged to have submitted work from a previous semester that another student had completed and presented it as his/her own original work (plagiarism). The reporting Professor sanctioned student with an XF.

Case#2013/2014-133 -A junior was alleged to have copied almost an entire assignment from online resources and presented it as his/her own work (plagiarism). The reporting Instructor sanctioned student with a zero on the assignment and an XF. The student may not re-enroll in course until EDCEP 502 is completed.


Case#2013/2014-132 -A junior was alleged to have copied online resources verbatim and presented as his/her own work. The reporting Professor sanctioned student with a zero on the assignment and EDCEP 502.

Case#2013/2014-131 -A junior was alleged to have copied another student's work while taking an exam. The reporting Professor sanctioned student with a reduced grade on the exam, a grade cap of D, and the requirement to complete all remaining assignments and attend all remaining classes or a grade of F will be assigned.

Case#2013/2014-130 -A freshman and junior were alleged to have communicated and/or accessed online resources via a cell phone during a quiz. The reporting instructor sanctioned both students with a zero on the assignment.

Case#2013/2014-129 -A junior was alleged to have copied material from online and presented it as his/her own work (plagiarism). The reporting Instructor sanctioned student with a zero on the assignment, and a warning.

Case#2013/2014-128 -A senior was alleged to have copied material and presented as his/her own work (plagiarism). The reporting Professor sanctioned student with a zero on the assign with an opportunity to revise paper and receive up to 50%, and a 1 page reflection paper.

Case#2013/2014-127 - A senior was alleged to have copied material and presented as his/her own work (plagiarism). The reporting Professor sanctioned student with a zero on the assign with an opportunity to revise paper and receive up to 50%, and a 1 page reflection paper.

Case#2013/2014-126 -A junior was alleged to have copied material and presented as his/her own work (plagiarism). The reporting Professor sanctioned student with a zero on the assign with an opportunity to revise paper and receive up to 50%, and a 1 page reflection paper.

Case#2013/2014-125 -A junior was alleged to have copied material and presented as his/her own work (plagiarism). The reporting Professor sanctioned student with a zero on the assign with an opportunity to revise paper and receive up to 50%, and a 1 page reflection paper.

Case#2013/2014-124 -A junior was alleged to have copied material and presented as his/her own work (plagiarism). The reporting Professor sanctioned student with a zero on the assign with an opportunity to revise paper and receive up to 50%, and a 1 page reflection paper.

Case#2013/2014-123 -Two seniors were alleged to work together on an independent assignment (unauthorized collaboration). The reporting Instructor sanctioned students with a zero on the assignment.

Case#2013/2014-122-Two seniors were alleged to have committed plagiarism, this was reported by an Instructor. The written report of the two students were practically identical. One student was identified as giving the aid and the other copied. The instructor sanctioned the student that gave the aid with a warning, and the student that copied with a zero on the assignment and an XF in the course.

Case#2013/2014-121 -A senior was alleged to have copied the instructor's solutions and presented them as his/her own work (falsification). The reporting professor sanctioned student with a zero on the assignment.

Case#2013/2014-120 -Two seniors were alleged to have submitted virtually identical work for an assignment that was to be done individually (unauthorized collaboration). The reporting Professor sanctioned students with a letter grade reduction and EDCEP 502.

Case#2013/2014-119-A freshman was alleged to have copied another student's work (plagiarism). The reporting instructor sanctioned student with a zero on the assignment and to redo an assignment.

Case#2013/2014-118 -A senior was alleged to have copied the work of others and presented it as his/her own work (plagiarism). The reporting Professor sanctioned student with a zero on the assignment and EDCEP 502.

Case#2013/2014-117 -A junior was alleged to have copied work from Wikipedia and presented it as his own original work (plagiarism). The reporting Professor sanctioned the student with an XF in the course.

Case#2013/2014-116 - dropped by reporter

Case#2013/2014-115 - A junior was alleged to have lied about reasons for missing an exam. The reporting Professor sanctioned student with a zero on the exam and EDCEP 502.

Case#2013/2014-114 -A senior was alleged to have taken additional information to use while taking an exam. The reporting instructor sanctioned student with a zero on the exam.


Case#2013/2014-113 -A sophomore and a senior was alleged to have collaborated on an exam to be done independently (unauthorized collaboration). The reporting instructor sanctioned students with an XF in the course.

Case#2013/2014-112-A freshman was alleged to have copied material from a reference verbatim without proper quotations (plagiarism). The reporting Professor sanctioned student with a reduced grade.

Case#2013/2014-111 - A freshman was alleged to have copied material from a reference verbatim without proper quotations (plagiarism). The reporting Professor sanctioned student with EDCEP 502.

Case#2013/2014-110-A freshman was alleged to have copied material from a reference verbatim without proper quotations (plagiarism). The reporting Professor sanctioned student with a reduced grade.


Case#2013/2014-109 - A sophomore was alleged to have copied another student's exam (unauthorized collaboration). The reporting Professor sanctioned student with a zero on the final exam.

Case #2013/2014-108 - case dropped

Case #2013/2014-107 - A sophomore was alleged to have copied material from an online resource and did not give proper credit in his/her report (plagiarism). The reporting instructor sanctioned student with a zero on the assignment and EDCEP 502.

Case #2013/2014-106 - A junior was alleged to have copied material from an online resource and did not give proper credit in his/her report (plagiarism). The reporting instructor sanctioned student with a zero on the assignment and EDCEP 502.

Case #2013/2014-105 - A graduate student was alleged to have used a previous student's work (unauthorized aid) and copied materials from an online resource and presented the work as his/her own original work (plagiarism). The reporting Professor sanctioned student with reduced grades on assignments.

Case #2013/2014-104 - A freshman was alleged to have copied online work and presented as his/her own work (plagiarism). The reporting Professor sanctioned student with an XF in the course and EDCEP 502.

Case #2013/2014-103 - A senior was alleged to have copied online work and presented as his/her own work (plagiarism). The reporting instructor sanctioned student with a grade cap of C and EDCEP 502.

Case #2013/2014-102 - A freshman was alleged to have submitted work performed under false pretenses (falsification). The reporting Professor sanctioned student with a zero on the assignment, a grade cap of 1 letter grade higher than received on final, and EDCEP 502.

Case #2013/2014-101 - Two juniors were alleged to have collaborated on assignments that were to be done independently. One also used the other students work and presented it under false pretenses (falsification). The reporting Professor sanctioned students with zeros on the assignments, a grade cap of 1 letter grade higher than received on final, and EDCEP 502.

Cases#2013/2014-099 and 100 - Two seniors were alleged to have either give or received help during an independent exam (unauthorized collaboration). The reporting Instructor sanctioned students with a reduced grade on the assignment and EDCEP 502.

Case#2013/2014-098 - A junior was alleged to have inappropriately copied material from an online resource (plagiarism). The reporting Professor sanctioned student with a zero on the assignment and EDCEP 502.

Case#2013/2014-097 - Three sophomores and a senior were alleged to have worked together on an independent assignment (unauthorized collaboration). The reporting Professor sanctioned students with a zero on the assignment.

Case#2013/2014-096 - Two sophomore students were alleged to have worked together on an independent assignment (unauthorized collaboration). The reporting instructor sanctioned students with a zero on the assignment.

Case#2013/2014-095 - A senior and a sophomore student were alleged to have worked together on an independent assignment (unauthorized collaboration). The reporting instructor sanctioned students with a zero on the assignment.

Case#2013/2014-094 - Two freshman were alleged to have worked together on an independent assignment (unauthorized collaboration and/or plagiarism). The reporting instructor sanctioned students with a zero on the assignment and EDCEP 502.

Case#2013/2014-093 - Two freshman were alleged to have worked together on an independent assignment (unauthorized collaboration and/or plagiarism). The reporting instructor sanctioned students with a zero on the assignment and EDCEP 502.

Case#2013/2014-092 - Two freshman were alleged to have worked together on an independent assignment (unauthorized collaboration and/or plagiarism). The reporting instructor sanctioned students with a zero on the assignment, a grade cap of C and EDCEP 502.

Case#2013/2014-091 - Two freshman were alleged to have worked together on an independent assignment (unauthorized collaboration and/or plagiarism). The reporting instructor sanctioned students with a zero on the assignment, a grade cap of C and EDCEP 502.

Case#2013/2014-090 - Two freshman were alleged to have worked together on an independent assignment (unauthorized collaboration and/or plagiarism). The reporting instructor sanctioned students with a zero on the assignment and EDCEP 502.

Case#2013/2014-089 - Two freshman were alleged to have worked together on an independent assignment (unauthorized collaboration and/or plagiarism). The reporting instructor sanctioned students with a zero on the assignment, a grade cap of C and EDCEP 502.

Case#2013/2014-088 - Two freshman were alleged to have worked together on an independent assignment (unauthorized collaboration and/or plagiarism). The reporting instructor sanctioned students with a zero on the assignment, a grade cap of C and EDCEP 502.

Case#2013/2014-087 - Two freshman were alleged to have worked together on an independent assignment (unauthorized collaboration and/or plagiarism). The reporting instructor sanctioned students with a zero on the assignment, a grade cap of C and EDCEP 502

Case#2013/2014-086 - Three freshman were alleged to have worked together on an independent assignment (unauthorized collaboration and/or plagiarism). The reporting instructor sanctioned students with a zero on the assignment, a grade cap of C and EDCEP 502.

Case#2013/2014-085 - Two juniors were alleged to have worked together on an independent project (unauthorized collaboration). The reporting instructor sanctioned students with a zero on the assignment and an official warning.

Case#2013/2014-084 - A freshman and a sophomore are alleged to have worked together on an independent assignment (unauthorized collaboration). The reporting instructor sanctioned students with EDCEP 502.

Case#2013/2014-083 - A freshman was alleged to have copied another student's work (plagiarism). The reporting instructor sanctioned student with a grade cap of C, EDCEP 502 and the requirement to redo the assignment.

Case#2013/2014-082 - A senior was alleged to have copied material from a previous semester's report and presented as his/her own work (plagiarism and/or falsification). The reporting professor sanctioned student with a zero on the assignment and an XF in the course.


Case#2013/2014-081 - Four seniors were alleged to have plagiarized material and presented as their own work. The reporting Professor sanctioned students with 2 additional assignments.

Case #2013/2014-080 - A junior was alleged to have copied material word for word and presented as his/her own work (plagiarism). The reporting instructor sanctioned student with an XF in the course.

Case #2013/2014-079 - A freshman was alleged to have copied another student's work during an exam (unauthorized collaboration). The reporting Professor sanctioned student with a make up exam, and EDCEP 502.

Case #2013/2014-078 - A freshman was alleged to have falsified information in an assignment. The reporting Instructor sanctioned student with a warning, a zero on the assignment and EDCEP 502.

Case #2013/2014-077 - A sophomore student was alleged to have copied online resources and presented as his/her own work (plagiarism). The reporting Instructor sanctioned student with a zero on the assignment.

Case #2013/2014-076 - A junior was alleged to have copied the solution's manual (authorized aid). The reporting Professor sanctioned student with a zero on the assignment and EDCEP 502.

Case #2013/2014-075 - A sophomore was alleged to have accessed another student's exam during the examination period. The reporting Instructor sanctioned student with an XF, EDCEP 502, and a zero on exam.

Case #2013/2014-074 - Two juniors were alleged to have worked together on class notes that were to be done independently (unauthorized collaboration and/or plagiarism). The reporting instructor sanctioned students with a zero on the assignment and EDCEP 502.

Case #2013/2014-073 - Two juniors were alleged to have worked together on class notes that were to be done independently (unauthorized collaboration and/or plagiarism). The reporting instructor sanctioned students with a zero on the assignment and EDCEP 502.

Case #2013/2014-072 - A senior falsified information on an in-class assignment. The reporting Professor sanctioned student with a zero on assignment plus a further grade reduction, and EDCEP 502.

Case #2013/2014-071 - A senior was alleged to have copied material from online resources and presented as his/her own work (plagiarism). The Instructor sanctioned student with a zero on the assignment.

Case #2013/2014-070 - Two seniors worked together on an independent assignment (unauthorized collaboration). The reporting Professor sanctioned students with a reduced grade.

Case#2013/2014-069 - A sophomore and a junior were alleged to have worked together on an independent assignment (unauthorized collaboration). The reporting Instructor sanctioned students with a zero on the assignment and an official warning.

Case#2013/2014-068 - A sophomore was alleged to have copied online material and presented as his/her own work (plagiarism). The reporting Professor sanctioned student with a zero on the assignment and EDCEP 502.

Case #2013/2014-067 - A freshman was alleged to have falsified information on an assignment. The reporting Professor sanctioned student with a zero on the assignment, a grade cap of D and EDCEP 502.

Case#2013/2014-066 - A senior was alleged to have copied another student's work and presented it as his/her own work (plagiarism). The reporting Professor sanctioned student with a zero on the assignment.

Case#2013/2014-065 - Two sophomores were alleged to have worked together on an independent exam (unauthorized collaboration). The reporting Professor sanctioned students with a reduced grade and EDCEP 502.

Case #2013/2014-049-064 - 4 junior, 4 sophomore, 7 freshman was alleged to have copied online work and presented as his/her own work (plagiarism). The reporting Professor sanctioned most students with a reduced grade. Three were also required to take EDCEP 502 for more serious violations.

Case#2013/2014-048 - A junior was alleged to have provided work of another student to a 3rd student in a class. The purpose was to have it copied (plagiarism or unauthorized collaboration). The student received an official warning by the reporting Instructor.

Case#2013/2014-047 - A freshman was alleged to have copied another student's work as presented it as his/her own work (unauthorized collaboration, plagiarism or falsification). The reporting instructor sanctioned student with a zero on the assignment, EDCEP 502 and an additional assignment. If the additional assignment is not completed the sanction will revert to an XF.

Case#2013/2014-046 - A freshman was alleged to have copied work from an online resource and presented it as his/her own work (plagiarism). The reporting Professor sanctioned student with a zero on the assignment.

Case #2013/2014-045 - A senior was alleged to have copied his friends work and presented it as his own original work. The reporting Professor sanctioned student with an XF.

Case #2013/2014-044 - A sophomore was alleged to have plagiarized material from an online resources. The reporting Instructor sanctioned student with a zero on assignment and EDCEP 502.

Case #2013/2014-043 - Two freshman were alleged to have committed plagiarism, unauthorized collaboration or unauthorized aid on an independent assignment. Reporting Professor sanctioned students with a zero on assignment.

Case #2013/2014-042 - A junior was alleged to have plagiarized resources and presented it as his/her own work. The reporting Instructor sanctioned student with a zero on the assignment and EDCEP 502.

Case #2013/2014-041 - Two freshman submitted identical work for an independent assignment (unauthorized collaboration). The reporting Instructor sanctioned students with a zero on the assignment and EDCEP 502.

Case #2013/2014-040 - A graduate student was alleged to have plagiarized material from online resources and presented it as his/her own work. The reporting Professor submitted the violation report under Option 2.

Case #2013/2014-039 - A Professor alleged that four graduate students worked together on an independent assignment (unauthorized collaboration). The reporting Professor sanctioned students with a grade cap of B, for the completion of an alternative assignment, and EDCEP 502.


Case #2013/2014-038 - A Professor alleged that four graduate students worked together on an independent assignment (unauthorized collaboration). The reporting Professor sanctioned students with a grade cap of B, for the completion of an alternative assignment, and EDCEP 502.

Case #2013/2014-037 - A junior was alleged to have copied work from a resource and presented it as his/her own work (plagiarism). The reporting Professor sanctioned student with EDCEP 502.

Case #2013/2014-036 - A freshman was alleged to have copied work from a resource and presented it as his/her own work (plagiarism). The reporting Professor sanctioned student with EDCEP 502.

Case #2013/2014-035 - A freshman was alleged to have copied work from a resource and presented it as his/her own work (plagiarism). The reporting Professor sanctioned student with EDCEP 502.

Case #2013/2014-034 - Two juniors collaborated on a quiz that was to be completed individually (unauthorized collaboration). The reporting Professor sanctioned students with a zero on the quiz.

Case #2013/2014-033 - Two juniors were alleged to have worked together twice on individual exams (unauthorized collaboration). The reporting Instructor sanctioned students with zeros on exams.

Case #2013/2014-032 - A junior was alleged to have given help to another student on an independent assignment (unauthorized collaboration). The reporting Instructor sanctioned student with a warning.

Case #2013/2014-031 - A freshman was alleged to have obtained help from another student while working on an independent project (plagiarism and or unauthorized collaboration). The reporting instructor sanctioned student with a zero on assignment and EDCEP 502.

Case #2013/2014-030 - A junior was alleged to have plagiarized material from an online resource and presented it as his/her own work. The reporting Professor sanctioned student with a zero on the assignment. The student can obtain full grade after submitting a reflection paper on plagiarism. Case Closed

Case #2013/2014-029 - A junior was alleged to have copied online material and presented it has his/her own work (plagiarism). The reporting Professor sanctioned student with EDCEP 502.

Case #2013/2014-028 - A freshman signed in for a student that was not present (falsification). The reporting Instructor sanctioned student with a zero for that day's attendance and EDCEP 502.

Case #2013/2014-027 - One junior student that had previously completed the course gave unauthorized help to another junior that was in the course on an assignment. The reporting instructor sanctioned previous student with a warning and the current student with a zero on the assignment.

Case #2013/2014-026 - A senior submitted an in-class assignment when he/she was absent (falsification). The reporting Professor sanctioned student with a zero on assignment, a letter grade reduction and EDCEP 502.

Case #2013/2014-025 - A graduate student copied a solution from a solutions manual (unauthorized aid). The reporting Professor sanctioned student with a zero on the assignment and an official warning. Case Closed

Case #2013/2014-024 - A junior was alleged by a Professor to have submitted another student's work as his/her own original work (plagiarism and or unauthorized collaboration). The reporting Professor sanctioned student with an XF in the course. Case Closed


Case #2013/2014-023 - A freshman copied an essay from an online resource and presented it as his/her own original work (plagiarism). The reporting instructor sanctioned student with an XF in the course and EDCEP 502. Case Closed

Case #2013/2014-022 - A senior utilized a larger than allowed crib sheet during an exam (unauthorized aid). The reporting professor sanctioned student with a reduced grade on exam and EDCEP 502. Case Closed

Case #2013/2014-008-021 - 29 Freshman, 11 sophomores, 4 juniors and 4 seniors were alleged to have submitted work of another student and presented it as their own original work (unauthorized collaboration). The reporting Professor sanctioned students with a zero on the assignment, a letter grade reduction in the course and EDCEP 502. Case Pending

Case #2013/2014-007 - A sophomore was alleged to have plagiarized material from an online resource and presented it as his/her own original work. The reporting Professor sanctioned student with a zero on the assignment and EDCEP 502. Case Closed

Case #2013/2014-006 - A junior was alleged to have plagiarized material from an online resource and presented it as his/her own work. The reporting Professor sanctioned student with a zero on the assignment and EDCEP 502. Case Closed

Case #2013/2014-005 - A senior was alleged to have plagiarized material and presented it as his/her own work. The reporting Professor sanctioned student with a zero on the assignment and a reflection paper on plagiarism assignment. Case Closed

Case #2013/2014-003 - A junior was alleged to have used his/her phone while taking an exam to obtain answers (unauthorized collaboration and/or unauthorized aid). The reporting professor sanctioned student with a zero on exam and an XF in the course. Case Closed

Case #2013/2014-002 - Two seniors worked together on a course assignment that was to be done strictly independently (unauthorized collaboration). The reporting professor sanctioned students with an XF in the course and EDCEP 502. Case Closed


Case #2013/2014-001 - Two seniors were alleged to have worked together on an independent assignment (unauthorized collaboration). The reporting professor sanctioned students with EDCEP 502 requirement and an XF in the course. Case Closed