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The Gardens

Gardens hours

Dawn to 10:00 p.m.
Sunday through Saturday
March through November

Quinlan Visitor Center

10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Monday through Friday
March through November



Free admission
Free parking

Kansas State University Gardens

Department of Horticulture and Natural Resources
2021 Throckmorton Ctr
1712 Claflin Road
Kansas State University
Manhattan, KS 66506

785-532-6949 fax

1500 Denison Ave.
Manhattan, KS 66506

Iris Collection  

Here in The Gardens our Iris collection has hundreds of different varieties, mostly tall bearded, but there are also some of the Dwarf and Siberian varieties. The family of Leon and Mary Delmez donated 174 different types of Irises that gave the collection a great start. Many recent donations have come from local members of the Flint Hills Iris Society and are enabling the collection to grow.

Each year the Flint Hills Iris Society, along with The Gardens, host an Iris sale generally the last Saturday in July. Proceeds from these sales benefit the Iris collection in finding their permanent home located in the Conservatory Garden: Phase II of the gardens.


View Iris Collections

Some iris beds were moved in the summer of 2022 in preparation for the construction of the new reflecting pool in the Conservatory Garden. The relocated beds are on the northwest side (or street side) of the Gardens' wall at 1500 Denison. The bed galleries below do not contain location updates but will as soon as possible. Click the images below to view iris beds before the move. Or view all gallery thumbnails

Bed 1 - Mostly Tall Bearded 

Bed 2 - Mostly Tall BeardedBed 3 - Siberian and SpuriaBed 4 - Tall, Intermediate and Miniature Bearded Bed 5 - Mostly Tall Bearded Bed 6N - Tall BeardedBed 6S - Tall Bearded Bed 7 - Tall Bearded