eForms Instructions
Access to eForms is granted after a completed access form is submitted to the Division of Financial Services. Access forms are required to be signed by the employee's supervisor and department head.
Agency Payment Voucher (APV): A short instruction document to assist you in preparing an Agency Payment Voucher (APV).
Agency Purchase Order: A short instruction document to assist you in preparing an Agency Purchase Order (APO) (used as a purchase order and / or an encumbrance).
Encumbrance Order Report / APV Instructions: This link will take you to a short Adobe .pdf document that provides general instructions on preparing the KSU.Enc (Encumbrance) report and then shows the relationship between report items and the appropriate fields within the 'Funding' section of the Agency Purchase Voucher (APV) that these tie to.
Transfer of Payments Instructions: A short instruction document to assist you in preparing a Transfer of Payments eForms document.
Transfer of Payment (Concur): A short instruction document to assist you in preparing a Transfer of Payments eForms document for a Concur transaction.