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  6. »Postage Metering

Division of Facilities

Postage Metering Account Authorization Form


To authorize a department (other than your own) to use your postage metering account number.

The department requesting authorization is responsible for obtaining signatures from each department head before the mailing is presented to Central Mail Services. This form must accompany each mailing that is to be metered with a different postage meter number than your own department number. This form will be kept on file for one year

If this is a one time mailing:

Name and date of the mailing 
Description of mailing 
Meter account number to be used 
I authorize (Department name)  to use this account number # 
Authorized signature of meter account number holder ___________________________
Authorized signature of sending department ________________________________

If this meter account number is to be used on an annual basis please fill in the information below:

Meter account number to be used 
I authorize (Department name)  to use this account number # 
Authorized signature of meter account number holder _______________________
Authorized signature of sending department ________________________________

NOTE: If this mailing is to go through automation mail service please contact Central Mail Service before processing. For further instruction call Central Mail at 532-7751.

Please Print this form, sign, and mail to Central Mail Services at 109 Dykstra Hall.