Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Climate Resilient Cereals
Led by Kansas State University, we bring together US and international partners to advance the breeding of key cereal crops to improve food and nutrition security.
The mission for CRCIL is to advance country-led, upstream breeding goals for climate resilience in Feed the Future Zones of Influence. Decades of effort put toward strengthening the cereal breeding capacity of National Agriculture Research Institutes' (NARIs), means the global cereal improvement community has never been better positioned to deliver on CRCIL's ambitious objectives. CRCIL's Consortium approach draws on expertise from around the world to harness the benefits of cutting-edge agricultural science and technology and serve the needs of USAID’s Climate Resilient Cereal Strategic Framework. Germplasm enhancement activities will focus increasing climate resilience in four major world cereals: sorghum, millet, wheat, and rice.
CRCIL takes a consortium approach to innovation by bringing together experts from around the world to conduct research activities related to germplasm enhancement. Our Germplasm Enhancement Hubs lead Target Product Profiling to identify regional needs for climate resilience. They also provide critical regional and institutional knowledge for implementation of projects. The Advanced Science Engine is a team of scientists who bring a wealth of expertise across germplasm enhancement activities. CRCIL is also privileged to call on our External Advisory Committee (EAC) to help guide research priorities as we pursue sustainable solutions.