Sample department plan for returning to campus

Sample plan for reopening the XXX Department

The XXX Department wants to reopen operations on campus. The department has 25 employees:

  • Department head
  • Administrative assistant
  • 2 Graduate students
  • Department student advisor
  • 20 faculty members

Office description

The department occupies 23 office spaces in AAA Hall. The main department office (222 AAA Hall) is a suite that houses the administrative assistant and advisor in the outer area, and the department head in a connected office. The general office receives some visitors, usually students or deliveries from other departments. The graduate students are located in 226 AAA Hall, which is a small office with two side by side desks. All of these employees' desks are at least six feet apart. Each of the 20 faculty members has their own individual office in AAA Hall.

Proposed Reopening Process

1. Open general office for department head and administrative assistant to work full-time, and the student advisor to work part-time.

a. The department head and administrative assistant both require access to on-campus systems, which are more easily accessible from campus than from home.
b. The student advisor only needs access to on-campus systems one day per week and will work remotely from home the other four days.
c. No more than two additional people will be allowed in the general office area at one time, and strict social distancing must be maintained, with masks encouraged.
d. In the case of visitors, they will be asked to remain near the door, maintaining social distancing from the administrative assistant. Only one visitor will be allowed in the office at any one time. Other visitors will be asked to stay in the hallway and maintain social distance as well.
e. Hand sanitizer will be placed near the door to the office.

2. Open graduate student work area for one graduate student at a time.

a. Graduate students work on projects for the department. They need occasional access to on-campus IT. They will work in alternate times during the week, assuring that only one will be in the office at a time.

3. Open faculty offices on a limited basis according to the following priorities:

a. Those faculty who can work remotely from home are encouraged to do so. Ten of the faculty have indicated that this would be their plan, although they will need to occasionally come to the office for items, references, and books.
b. Faculty who have ineffective internet connections or poor technology at home will be allowed to return to their office spaces. There are three faculty members who are in this group.
c. Faculty who must be on campus to conduct their research will be allowed to return to their offices and labs. This applies to the remaining seven faculty members. All will resume their research based on the timeline and phases in the research reawakening plan.

4. Faculty and staff will be discouraged from congregating in groups, and when necessary, they must abide by social distancing guidelines and wear protective masks.

5. While no meetings are scheduled at this time, any face-to-face meetings that are necessary will be conducted using appropriate social distancing, and all attendees will be required to wear masks.

6. All faculty and staff will be encouraged to use Zoom for meetings when possible.

Assurances from the Reopening Department

We will abide by all criteria set up for operation during Phase 2 of the reopening plan for K-State. This includes the following:

  • Those who can do their work remotely will be allowed to do so for as long as possible.
  • We will promote strict social distancing measures in the office and in the building.
  • We will require all employees to wear face masks when interacting with others, or when in transit inside or outside the building.
  • For those who do not have masks, we will provide them.
  • We allow individuals who test positive to remain in isolation for at least 7 days from symptom onset or 72 hours fever free, whichever is longer — or current public health official guidance.
  • We will also allow individuals awaiting test results to remain in isolation, and for those who have had close contact with confirmed cases to remain in quarantine.
  • We plan to have hand sanitizer and antiseptic cleaning materials available in our office to ensure good hand washing and hygiene practices.
  • Employees will be required to clean their work area at the beginning and the end of each workday.
  • All employees will be required to take the online training from Environmental Health and Safety on cleaning protocols and the use of masks.
  • We will not hold any social gatherings of more than 45 individuals.