Getting Started on an Exercise Program:

It's a great time for starting some new, healthier habits! Here's some quick tips for exercising more.

Start with Goals:

  • Write down some short term goals and long term goals and post them where they are visible to you everyday.
  • A short term goal is something you can accomplish less than 3 months. Example: I want to exercise for 30 minutes 4 times a week.
  • A long term goal is something you wish to accomplish that will take at least 6 months or more. Example: I want to lose 25 pounds in 6 months (1-2 pounds per week).

Develop a Program:

  • -Use the FITT Principle:
    • Frequency- This is how often you should work out
      • Example: I want to work out 30 minutes 5-6 days a week.
    • Intensity: This is how hard you should work out.
      • Examples: Moderate to intense pace
    • Time: This is how long your exercise session should be.
      • Example: 15-20 minutes for cardiovascular benefits, and 60-90 minutes for weight loss goals.
    • Type: This is the type of exercise you will be partaking in.
      • Examples: biking, running, exercise class, yoga, etc.