IRB Frequently Asked Questions

Below are frequently asked questions (FAQ's) of the University Research Compliance Office. For additional questions, please contact us at (785) 532-3224.

  • When will the completion of the training be required for Committee for Research Involving Human Subjects (IRB) approval of a human subjects proposal?
    Completion of the training modules must be done before final approval of the application is granted.

  • Who is required to complete the training modules?
    All persons involved in performing or reviewing research involving human subjects are required to complete the training, including undergraduate and graduate students. The IRB will use information provided in the Committee for Research Involving Human Subjects (IRB) Application Form to determine who must complete the training. It is the responsibility of the principal investigator to ensure that all persons who will be involved with the study are listed in the application, and complete the training.

  • How long is the review process for an IRB application?
    The review process takes approximately three weeks. In some cases, the process will take additional time.