Post Approval Monitoring

Post-Approval Monitoring (PAM) of Research Activities: Post-Approval Monitoring (PAM) of Research Activities: University compliance committees (IACUC, IBC, IRB) have statutory responsibility for review and oversight of research, teaching, or testing activities they have approved. Compliance committee approval for activities is invariably contingent upon performance or execution of the activity exactly as it is approved. Accordingly, any changes or modifications must be submitted, reviewed and approved by the applicable committee prior to initiation of the new or altered activity. Additionally, institutions must ensure that the ongoing research process accurately reflects approved protocols. There are several mechanisms used to accomplish post-approval monitoring (PAM), including annual reviews, continuing reviews, semiannual reviews, spot monitoring, complaint investigations, etc. The University Research Compliance Office (URCO) has a PAM program which can include announced in-laboratory visits to assess compliance with approved protocols. The over-arching intent of the oversight program is to help protect the interests of the university and our researchers. This is done by helping researchers achieve compliance, rather than to find nonconformance. Accordingly, your activity may be visited as part of our oversight/compliance program. If you have questions about the PAM program, please contact the URCO office.