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Acknowledgement Statement

“Research reported in this [publication/presentation/press release] was [supported/partially supported] by the Cognitive and Neurobiological Approaches to Plasticity (CNAP) Center of Biomedical Research Excellence (COBRE) of the National Institutes of Health under grant number P20GM113109. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health.”

How to acknowledge CNAP:

Acknowledge COBRE support in each publication or other product where you are an author.
Associate funding (P20GM113109) to your publication.
Submit your manuscripts to NIHMS upon acceptance for inclusion in PubMed Central.

These guidelines reflect NIH Policy. Failure to comply with the terms and conditions of the Public Access Policy may result in the placement of special conditions on current awards or preclusion of grantees from obtaining future COBRE funding.

When to acknowledge CNAP:

All research that is funded directly by CNAP, is performed using CNAP Research Cores, or relies on other CNAP resources should acknowledge the COBRE award in resulting research products and publications. This includes talks, posters, press releases and other public statements, research publications, and other documents (e.g., theses, dissertations, conference proceedings, monographs, books, etc.). Some examples of support may include (but not limited to) the following:

  • Research directly funded by CNAP project or pilot grants
  • Research that relies on one or more CNAP cores (Behavioral Neuroscience, Electroencephalography, and/or Neuroinformatics cores)
  • Research that relies on training that was funded or provided by CNAP
  • Research that relies on or is facilitated by CNAP students/staff/faculty (e.g., technical support, programming, data analysis support)
  • Research that relies on programs (e.g., post-doctoral training, scientific exchange network) or partnerships (e.g., K-INBRE core facilities grant, KUMC S10 grant) that are co-funded or otherwise supported by CNAP.

For any research that meets the above criteria, individuals should incorporate the Acknowledgement Statement above in the Acknowledgements section of all research products.

If any CNAP student, staff, or faculty assisted with the work in any way then their contributions should be acknowledged as well. At a minimum, the work performed by the CNAP student/staff/faculty should be referenced in the acknowledgements section or in a footnote. In addition, to be included as an author on a scholarly publication, the individual should, in a cumulative sense, make a professional contribution that is creative and intellectual in nature, that is integral to completion of the project, and that requires an overarching perspective of the project. Co-authorship requires the agreement of the contributing author and their approval of the final submitted document. Author order should be negotiated among the authors. In all cases, decisions on authorship should follow the ethical publication guidelines of the relevant discipline (e.g., American Psychological Association).

Any products that involve acknowledgement of CNAP support should also be reported in the Piestar system in a timely manner. Individuals should also report on any grant submissions or funded grants that involve CNAP resources.


If you have any questions on acknowledgements, authorship, or reporting, you can contact the CNAP Director.