Meeting Notes April 8, 2015 - 9 A.M.

401 Hale Library


Pfaff (KSIS/Reg), Tilford (AG), McCammant (AG), Last (AR), Baker (AS), Cunningham (BA), Griffin (ED), Murphy (ED), Larry Satzler (EN), Pence (HE), Schlendar (GR), Kathy Burkholder (GC), Judy Lynch (ADV), Blankley (ADM), Cooper (REG), Monty Nielsen (REG), Dandaneau (PROV), Reinhart (OLATHE), Loren Wilson (ISO), Letourneau (ISO), Blake (ISO), Gould (iTAC), Stafford (ITS)

Student Flow Analysis (Dandaneau)

  1. EAB – Two products that have been purchased recently to help with advising, retention and graduation rates.

    • Student Success advisor platform product – Aid and provide analytics. This product is part of 150 university consortium, several current universities experiencing great gains in retention and graduation rates. Contract sent in for 3 years, 1st year free. This is a large company that has a proven record of success, just bought Grades First product. Training sessions will be provided by vendor. This summer they will be adding high school measurements for assessment of success. Many Kansas schools already using. KU, Wichita State.
    • University of New Mexico – Homegrown Application, created a tool there that helps visualize undergraduate curriculum as a flow, related to academic success. Gives big picture process overviews of a students flow through courses and graduation. Have purchased and will use on our campus. Flow diagrams. We are kind of like Beta testers of this homegrown product from University of New Mexico.
  2. EAB will form a committee to help analyze data and determine how to utilize. Of the two products, the Student Success platform product was most liked by attendees of early demos. There will be many demonstrations and feedback sessions.
  3. Demo K-State student data. There were technical difficulties, demo not performed.

Registrar's Office Update (Pfaff)

Early Enrollment Reported Issues – Summer/Fall 2015 started in early March

  • Major changes a problem? Prerequisites? Charlotte investigated and nothing has changed, but the problem could be deeper. One case was an old prerequisite rule, easily fixed. Any other issues, please let Charlotte know, need details, example student record, she will dig into it and find a resolution.
  • Class search, then click class details, some fields there for reserved seats and unreserved seats. Amount displayed as 0 when there were actually amounts? Charlotte investigated and found it was an issue with some links in the class search results page, not always following the same code. Was a result of a recent bundle, would have been impossible to test prior. Fixed now.
  • Suggestion box – Student goes into enroll in a multiple component course. When selecting the available labs or recitations, the grid is limited to 5 results. Not obvious to students there are more options than the first 5. Resulting in students asking to be waitlisted on sections, not knowing there were others available. ISO will be modifying this to display all available labs or recitations by default.
  • Waitlist – When a spot opens up, the first student on waitlist should be enrolled. However, if that student has a time conflict, the auto enroll process moves onto the next student. Auto enrollment process runs every 30 minutes. This is how it should work, but if you experience something different, please let Charlotte know, details and example.
  • Waitlist – When auto enrollment process runs, if seat opens up, it will appear closed until the auto enrollment process runs in the next 30 minutes.

Spring 2015 upcoming dates – See Attached. (pdf)

Processes for overriding enrollment capacities, classroom capacities and security (Gould)

  • Tech classroom committee met and learned that some users in depts./colleges have the ability to change the enrollment capacity above the room capacity. Then the enrollment is too big for the room, so they have to scramble to find a bigger room. How do we manage or stop this? Overriding the room capacity. This is a planning and fire hazard issue when cramming too many students in a room. Very firm directive from Dr. Niehoff to not allow rooms to go over room capacity. Satzler asked can we update the system to not allow? Charlotte is investigating if modifying security would achieve goal. Also considering a daily report that would identify these situations for immediate follow-up. Di Murphy reported that they can’t always see what the room capacity is, so don’t realize they might be increasing it too much. Cunnigham suggested maybe add it to the quick enroll screen only? Lots of further discussion about having classes too full, in the actual classrooms on actual classroom days. How do they manage that? Will apply to departmental spaces as well, per Dr. Niehoff.

Undergraduate Admissions Office Update (Blankley)

April Orientation and Enrollment, April 27 and 28 – Up to 500 registered.

June Orientation Registration opened on April 1st, 1200+ registered so far for June.

Ongoing projects:

  • Conduct question on application – Pending requirements and policy.
  • Military questions on application – Questions defined, implement on application in next several months.
  • Related Content on KSIS admission processing pages
  • Test Score Load redesign in KSIS

Projects recently completed: (Blake)

Acquire Missing SSNs (Letourneau)

131 domestic students, 81 have supplied a SSN. Other 50 have a hold now. Intl, 1133, 250 supplied an SSN or ITIN or said they would do it later, no holds on Intl students. There are a few unique situations where a hold is applied, that could be lifted, undocumented students. Any questions, students need to contact student financials.

KSIS-OrgSync Integration (Letourneau)

Integrating near real time new students into OrgSync, updating program/plans and bio demo data. Contact Bill Harlan if a new student reports not being able to sign into OrgSync.

Reverse Transfer (Cooper)

Qualtrics switched to KSIS processes. Email sent from KSIS. Less than 100 eligible this spring versus 350 from the fall, reflects smaller spring incoming classes. Initiative from many schools to use clearing house to share data rather than mailing transcripts to the transfer school indicated.

BPA - KSIS (Enterprise) Mobile (L. Wilson)

Motolabs. Waiting for where $ will come from. Still at President’s level.

Projects in progress

BPA - Incorporate EIS into KSIS (Burkholder)

Gathering requirements, continuing to meet to determine a project timeline.

KSU Advisor Center - Advising Notes (Rel. 3) (Dandaneau/Letourneau)

Phase 3 will be available to advising committee on May 3rd. ISO still testing. Will have many training sessions available. This phase all about using the notes functionality. The training will mostly be about guidelines regarding what should be entered and where.

Behavioral Education Software (Letourneau)

Alcohol and Sexual Assault training. Campus Clarity is the new vendor. Lots of questions about information and deadlines, John doesn’t have that information. Maybe invite Jan Elsasser to next meeting?

KSIS Name Change (L. Wilson)

URL is now Neil Erdwein changing cms pages, one at a time. Most public facing items are changed.

Migrate KSIS to Converged Architecture (L. Wilson)

Moving to something more like an internal cloud. Redundant set-up at KU in case of disaster recovery. Tentative time is November 2015. Major change and will require huge amount of testing.

Projects on the horizon (Blake)

BPA - Track Student Internships (Satzler)

Getting ready to kick-off data gathering phase. 4/29th, 10am-11am, kick-off meeting.

Add'l projects as determined by the KSIS Steering Committee (L. Wilson)

All waiting on funding decision by President.