Allan and Carolyn Harms Biology Scholarship
Allan and Carolyn Harms provided the endowment for this scholarship to provide financial assistance to Division of Biology students. The couple and their children are all K-State graduates.
Dale and Maryrose Preston - Bosco Family Scholarship
Dale and Maryrose Preston created a Bosco Family Scholarship for students in the Division of Biology. They believe curing disease to provide for better lives is possible through the study of biology and want to support K-State students' pursuit of those cures. Dale is also an alumnus of K-State and wants to pay it forward. This scholarship is part of the K-State Family Scholarship Program, a matching gift scholarship program endowed by Mary L. Vanier, to help bolster support for higher education.
Division of Biology Scholarship
The endowment for this scholarship was provided by a former graduate who wishes to remain anonymous. Recipients must exhibit financial need and have a minimum cumulative 3.0 GPA.
University Distinguished Professors Scholarship
The endowment for this scholarship was provided by a prominent Kansas physician, Dr. Clay Harvey, who received his B.S. degree in Biology from Kansas State University. The scholarship was established to honor University Distinguished Professors in the Division of Biology and to provide financial assistance to undergraduate biological science students.
Dr. Brian Spooner Fund
Recipients of this scholarship must be involved in undergraduate research in the Division of Biology. The endowment was provided by one of our outstanding graduates, Dr. Mark D. Carlson, M.D., and his wife Susan, in recognition of the value of meaningful research experiences for undergraduates and to honor his research mentor, Dr. Brian Spooner.
Enloe Family Scholarship
Established in 1992 by David and Beth Enloe in honor of their son, Mark Enloe, the recipient of this scholarship must demonstrate outstanding leadership and promise as a budding professional in fisheries, wildlife, conservation, or environmental biology.
Floyd C. and Berniece Humbert Butel Biology Scholarship
This scholarship was established by Dr. Janet Butel in honor of her parents. Dr. Butel is a professor emeritus of the Baylor College of Medicine whose work focused on polyomavirus pathogenesis of infections and disease.
John and Thea Beckman Biology Scholarship
This scholarship honoring John and Thea Beckman provides financial assistance to junior or senior undergraduates enrolled in the Division of Biology.
June Hull Sherrid Scholarships
There are two June Hull Sherrid scholarships in biology. These scholarships were established to perpetuate the memory of June D. Hull Sherrid and to provide financial assistance to students in the Division of Biology. Recipients must be graduates of a Kansas high school who are planning to enter the field of medical and x-ray technology or human medical sciences. One of the June Hull Sherrid scholarships is renewable for 4 years for students meeting GPA requirements.
Larry G. Williams Scholarship
The endowment for this scholarship is provided through donations by our alumni and was established to honor the service of Dr. Larry Williams, who was the lead advisor for undergraduate students and professor in the Division of Biology for over 35 years, as well as a University Distinguished Teaching Scholar.
Maben Family Scholarship in Biology
Dr. Pamela Maben, a graduate of the Division of Biology, established this scholarship. She was a founding member of the Kansas Alpha chapter of Alpha Epsilon Delta and is an M.D. in Independence, Missouri. Recipients will be a sophomore or above Division of Biology major with a minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA.
Robert K. Nabours Scholarship
The Nabours Scholarship was set up as a tribute by Catherine and Allan Wallace to perpetuate the memory of Dr. Nabours, a long-time department head of zoology who hired the first female faculty member.