Faculty-Led Policies and Procedures

We're glad you’re interested in offering a faculty-led education abroad program through Kansas State! This opportunity can be a very rewarding experience—not only for your student participants, but for you, the faculty leader, as well. At the same time, faculty-led programs require a lot of work, from building and reviewing to marketing, teaching, and traveling. The most successful programs are those in which the faculty collaborate well with our office to ensure consistency of information and timely development of the program’s course and study tour.

To these ends, we have included all of Education Abroad's faculty-led policies and procedures online, which you may access using the topics in the main menu on your left. They provide a wealth of information that you may use to achieve the best program possible for your students. Please note that these policies and procedures are subject to revision without advance notice, although Education Abroad will announce any major changes to the university community through the K-State Today.

Per KSU's International Travel and Activies policy (PPM 3120), any employee arranging or otherwise facilitating university-sponsored international travel for students must register with the Education Abroad Office. Liability and risk management, international health insurance, international liability insurance, emergency support services, and financial oversight require central coordination and oversight that our offices provide. In addition, Education Abroad can offer valuable services in program planning, publicity, and recruitment of participants. No Kansas State University study tour should be publicized, and certainly cost information must not be circulated, until the program as a whole has been approved by the Director of Education Abroad.

A KSU Faculty Led Education Abroad program is:

  • Planned, facilitated, organized, or taught by KSU faculty or staff, and;
  • Faculty or staff member accompanies students on program abroad, and;
  • Participating students enroll in a KSU course (even if non-credit or if some students do not enroll in the course), and;
  • Program and course approved by, and organized on behalf of, a KSU academic department and college

To start work on a program, feel free to browse these policies and procedures. When you’re ready, reach out to our office at 785-532-5990 or directly to the Assistant Director of Education Abroad and Faculty Led Programs Coordinator, Brent Holliday, at bholliday@ksu.edu. We're ready and able to help with any questions you may have about your proposal. We'd also recommend that you contact your department head and college dean as soon as you begin thinking about developing a program. You will need their consent and signatures before we can approve and publish your program. Once you submit a proposal to our office, one of our advisors will review the program and provide you with feedback.

If you have general questions, please contact Education Abroad at abroad@ksu.edu. We’re happy to address your questions and to work with you as you develop a faculty-led program!