Emergency Contacts

In the event of an emergency or crisis situation abroad, the student should contact the appropriate on-site authorities and Oncall International Global Assistance: +1 603-952-2679. Oncall International will provide immediate resources and notify Kansas State University on your behalf.

In-country contacts

U.S. Embassies and Consulates: http://www.usembassy.gov/

  • From the U.S. & Canada 1-888-407-4747
  • From Overseas +1-202-501-4444

International "911" emergency numbers

Kansas State University Education Abroad

During regular business hours (Monday-Friday, 8:00am - 4:00pm CST)

1-785-532-5990 or email abroad@ksu.edu.

During an emergency, please call local authories first, then call the Oncall International Global Assistance number provided to you during pre-departure orientation.