Promotions and Tenure Fiscal Year 2015


Earning Promotion to Full Professor

Name Department
Vincent Amanor-Boadu Agricultural Economics
Micheal Brouk Animal Sciences and Industry
Tim Dalton Agricultural Economics
Walter Fick Agronomy
David Grieger Animal Sciences and Industry
J.P. Michaud Entomology
Christopher Reinhardt Animal Sciences and Industry

Earning Tenure and Promotion to Associate Professor

Name Department
Lauri Baker Communications and Agricultural Education
Christopher Toomajian Plant Pathology

Arts and Sciences

Earning Promotion to Full Professor

Name Department
Christine Aikens Chemistry
Mary Cain Psychological Sciences
Carolyn Ferguson Biology
Joye Gordon Journalism and Mass Communications
Derek Hillard Modern Languages
Michele Janette English
Loretta Johnson Biology
Ari Jumpponen Biology
John Maginnis Mathematics
Diego Maldonado Mathematics
Gerard Middendorf Sociology
Mark Parillo History
Lisa Tatonetti English
Han Yu English

Earning Tenure and Promotion to Associate Professor

Name Department
Sam Bell Political Science
Nora Bello Statistics
Earl Brown Modern Languages
Sabri Ciftci Political Science
Barbara DeSanto Journalism and Mass Communications
Juan Du Statistics
Andrew Ivanov Physics
Kristen Mulready-Stone History
Mervi Pakaste Art
David Pickering Music
Sarah Reznikoff Mathematics
Kathrin Schrick Biology
Caroline Tushabe Women's Studies
Jennifer Vellenga Theatre
Anna Marie Wytko Music

Business Administration

Earning Tenure and Promotion to Associate Professor

Name Department
Satoris Culbertson Management
Amy Hageman Accounting


Earning Promotion to Full Professor

Name Department
Jeffrey Zacharakis Educational Leadership

Earning Tenure and Promotion to Associate Professor

Name Department
Andrew Wefald Educational Leadership

Earning Tenure

Name Department
Kakali Bhattacharya Educational Leadership


Earning Promotion to Full Professor

Name Department
Julia Keen Architectural Engineering and Construction Science
Saeed Khan Engineering Technology
Robby Computing and Information Sciences

Earning Tenure and Promotion to Associate Professor

Name Department
Ray Buyle Architectural Engineering and Construction Science
Behrooz Mirafzal Electrical and Computer Engineering
Don Phillippi Architectural Engineering and Construction Science
Gurpreet Singh Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering

Human Ecology

Earning Promotion to Full Professor

Name Department
Bronwyn Fees Family Studies and Human Services
Mark Haub Human Nutrition
Migette Kaup Apparel, Textiles and Interior Design

Earning Tenure and Promotion to Associate Professor

Name Department
Katie Heinrich Kinesiology
D. Elizabeth Kiss Family Studies and Human Services
Melinda Stafford Markham Family Studies and Human Services

Earning Tenure

Name Department
Clifford A. Robb Family Studies and Human Services

K-State Libraries

Earning Tenure and Promotion to Associate Professor

Name Department
Jason Coleman Undergraduate and Community Services for
K-State Libraries

Veterinary Medicine

Earning Promotion to Full Professor

Name Department
Kyeong-Ok Chang Diagnostic Medicine and Pathobiology
S. Butch Kukanich Anatomy and Physiology
Thomas Schermerhorn Clinical Sciences

Earning Tenure and Promotion to Associate Professor

Name Department
Mary Lynn Higginbotham Clinical Sciences
Katherine Stenske KuKanich Clinical Sciences

Earning Promotion to Clinical Associate Professor

Name Department
Christopher Blevins Clinical Sciences