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  4. »Strong community welcomes all to country dance

K-State Today Student Edition

April 19, 2018

Strong community welcomes all to country dance

Submitted by Mary C. White

Get ready to dance your boots off! The Strong Community is hosting their last country swing dance of the year. This free event will take place from 8-11 p.m. Saturday, April 21, in the Strong Community Courtyard, between Boyd, Van Zile and Putnam halls. In the event of rain, the dance will be held in the Boyd Hall lobby.

All on-campus residents and their guests are invited to this relaxed night of dancing under the stars. No experience or partner is needed, and beginner swing dance lessons will be available to students wanting to learn.

Guests can also enjoy refreshments during a special performance by R&P, a student group that recently wrote and produced an album about K-State.

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