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K-State Today

June 26, 2023

Global Campus leaders present about K-State Microcredential Initiative at national conference

Submitted by Debbie Hagenmaier

Jo Maseberg-Tomlinson and Debbie Hagenmaier, interim co-directors for the Program Development and Management unit at K-State Global Campus, presented at 1EdTech's Learning Impact 2023 conference earlier this month in Anaheim, California. 

Their presentation, "Critical Collaborations: From Zero to Microcredentials in 10 Short Months," shared how universitywide collaboration on K-State's microcredentials initiative allowed the university to onboard microcredentials within 10 months. Keys to this rapid success included a strong foundation of research prior to receiving FY22 Strategic Investment Funds for the initiative, bringing strategic players from the university to the table, drafting experts from other institutions to share best practices and involving essential university leadership.

The conference connects academic and technology leaders to create and evolve innovative digital solutions and strategies that improve education and opportunities.