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  4. »Facts, questions, answers for new anti-discrimination training

K-State Today

August 28, 2014

Facts, questions, answers for new anti-discrimination training

Submitted by Office of Institutional Equity

General questions have been brought to the attention of the Office of Institutional Equity due to the recently launched online anti-discrimination training. The goal of this training is to help all supervisors, administrators, faculty and staff understand the university's policy and expectations for reporting incidents that may violate the Policy Prohibiting Discrimination, Harassment, Sexual Violence, and Stalking, PPM 3010.

Below are a few frequently asked questions and facts regarding the completion of the anti-discrimination training:


  1. The survey link you receive via email is designated specifically for you. Please do not forward this email to anyone. This is how we track the completion of the survey in HRIS.

  2. If you share computers in your office, please restart your computer after completing the training. Some staff members are receiving an "already completed statement" when they sign in to complete the training. This is the result of failure to clear the web browser cache or cookies.

  3. Reminder emails are sent to those who have not completed the training, missed or deleted the email by mistake. Reminder emails will be sent weekly.

  4. Visit HRIS under "Employee Self Service" and select "Learning and Development" for confirmation of completion of the training 24 hours after you completed the training.

  5. If you cannot locate the survey in your inbox folder, please check the spam and trash folders of your email account. Please check for an email from the Office of Institutional Equity.


  • Do I need to complete anti-discrimination training if I completed Title IX training?
    Yes. The Title IX training curriculum is not the same as the anti-discrimination training.
  • Are students required to complete the training?
    No. The Office of Institutional Equity will initiate mandatory Title IX training later this semester; however, the office is looking to develop additional online training for students in collaboration with the Center for Advocacy, Response and Education, or CARE.

For additional FAQs on the anti-discrimination online training, visit anti-discrimination training.