Pathways to STEM: Kansas Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (KS-LSAMP)

The Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation is a National Science Foundation program that assists colleges and universities in diversifying the workforce entering science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) fields, in part, by supporting institutions’ efforts to increase the numbers of students that successfully complete baccalaureate degrees in these fields. The Kansas Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (KS-LSAMP) promotes recruitment and retention programs throughout Kansas in support of increasing the success of underrepresented minority students (URMs) in STEM fields. The Kansas LSAMP includes Kansas State University as the lead institution and the following minority serving institutions: Dodge City Community College, Seward County Community College, Garden City Community College, and Donnelly College.

Research Immersion: Pathways to STEM or RiPS, is a key KS-LSAMP program. This eight-week summer research program pairs students with research mentors who help students to conduct an independent research project. The overall goal of this program is to provide summer academic and professional preparation to underrepresented students in STEM fields. KS-LSAMP, through our partner institutions, has recruitment programs in place for this program. You can leverage RiPS in a grant proposal by including funding to cover the expenses of one or more students to be part of this program. You will serve as a faculty mentor and the students will conduct research in your lab as well as participate in KS-LSAMP professional development activities throughout the eight-week program.

Other ways to incorporate KS-LSAMP in project proposals include: providing funds for students to participate in the Developing Scholars Program (DSP). DSP is a structured program that provides faculty-supported research opportunities for selected students during Fall and Spring semesters. Students work 8-10 hours per week on a research project. KS-LSAMP financially supports students to participate in DSP. The program can assist in the recruitment of students into your lab who participate in DSP.

The contact for this program is Brenee King. Contact her at or 785-532-6054.