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K-State News
Kansas State University
128 Dole Hall
1525 Mid-Campus Dr North
Manhattan, KS 66506


Note to editors: If a county or state is not listed, there were no honor students from that area. If a Manhattan area address was given as a permanent address, the student will be listed in the permanent address county and also in the county for the high school on record.
News release prepared by:
Stephanie Jacques, 785-532-3452, sjacques@k-state.edu

May 29, 2012

SEMESTER SUCCESS: University awards semester honors to more than 3,200 students

MANHATTAN -- The spring 2012 semester was an outstanding one for more than 3,200 Kansas State University students who earned semester honors for their academic performance.

Students with at least 12 graded hours, whose grade point average for the semester is 3.75 or above receive semester honors along with commendations from their deans and the honors recorded on their permanent academic records.

Students earning semester honors by county and hometown include:


Adams: Allan Richardson,Russel Richardson

Beatrice: Ross Jensby

Bellevue: Josef Lang

Columbus: Kelsie Brandt, Melissa Wilke

Danbury: Alyssa Rippe

Elkhorn: Elizabeth Faltin,Hannah Gordon,Matthew Hull

Fremont: Courtney Cook,William Webb

Grand Island: Taylor Johnson

Gretna: James Rittenberger

Kearney: Emily Navis

Lavista: Michaela Synowiecki, Chandler Whaley

Lincoln: Abbie Albrecht,Brian Blankenau,Sophia Dongilli,Erin Heiden,Hannah Hovis,Melanie Thomas

McCool Junction: Samantha White

Milburn: Leigh Wacker

Nickerson: Leah Harmon

Oakland: Maxwell Andersen,Ross Beckner

Omaha: Robert Dorman,Jessica Herren,Zachary Kallman,Taylor Kelly,Katherine Leise,Kara Tischer,Grace Twedt,Ariel Vanhouse,Charles Viers,Paul Waters,Emily White

Papillion: Nicholas Braun-Jankovich,Courtney Hylen,Scott Johnson

Plattsmouth: Megan Okeson

Raymond: Jessica McKeown

Utica: Justin Gene Wiemer

Wilber: Kristie Moore

York: Marilyn Leif

New Jersey

Galloway: Lauren Deissler

Runnemede: Jessica Lacontora

New Mexico

Albuquerque: Cesserie Ballou

Aztec: Elizabeth Poe

Clovis: Ashley Thackrah, Cory Young


New York

Horseheads: Angela Eck

Palmyra: Amber Caton

Saratoga Springs: Kelly Becker

Sleepy Hollow: Jennifer McLean

Webster: Chad Foust


North Carolina

Canton: Cayleigh Griffith

Davidson: Melissa Frerichs

Greensboro: Cara McGrath

Jacksonville: Kelly Rhinesmith

Jamestown: Sydney Smolecki

Waxhaw: Abigail Kallenbach