October 16, 2023
An update from President Linton

K-State family,
Last Friday, I completed my seven-week cancer treatment program and officially (and excitedly) packed up my remote office in Kansas City for the last time. Wildcats — I AM HOME! I cannot tell you how good it feels to be back in Manhattan.
I am beyond thankful for the incredible care provided by my medical team throughout my diagnosis, treatment and now, recovery. The photos I am sharing with you today were taken when I celebrated the completion of my chemotherapy and radiation treatments. As many of you likely know, there is a tradition to ring the bell on the last day of each of those treatments, and the cheers that filled that space when I did so filled my heart just as much. It was an incredible and momentous experience, and I like to think it felt the same for the medical professionals who pour their lives into that space every day as well.
Over the last two months, I have received tremendous support from my immediate family and the entire Wildcat community. Many of you shared well wishes and prayers from across the country that lifted me up and reinforced for me how special the K-State family truly is. Plainly stated, your encouragement made me fight harder against the cancer, and because of this experience, my appreciation for the K-State family has grown beyond what I ever thought possible. Your support made a huge difference during my treatment, and I know it will continue to do the same during my recovery.
During the upcoming weeks, I am planning to conduct much of my work from the Pres Res as I regain my strength. I'm excited to feel the energy of this campus surround me again in that space, and I know that I will steadily be able to be more and more visible across campus as time progresses.
I am truly blessed by the support I've received that has allowed me to continue to lead during this time. Your flexibility and belief in the great things we are doing have allowed us to continue to push this institution forward together. As I said when I announced my diagnosis in August, K-Staters face difficult situations and uncertainty head-on, fighting for the greatest outcome. I told you I would do that during this journey, and I believe I've made good on my promise.
Thank you, and as always, Go 'Cats!
Richard Linton