January 26, 2022
Funding awards available to attend NACADA’s academic advising conferences, institutes

NACADA: The Global Community for Academic Advising is hosting region conferences and institutes that coincide with the announcement of the availability of professional development funds for the spring semester from the K-State Office of the Vice Provost for Student Success. The application deadline is Friday, Jan. 28.
Those with advising responsibilities are encouraged to apply for professional development awards of up to $750 this semester that subsidize participation in advising-related professional activities, conferences, or meetings. Funds can be used to help cover registration, travel, meals and/or accommodations.
"NACADA is committed to advancing the field of academic advising and student success," said Melinda J. Anderson, NACADA executive director. "Our professional development opportunities are designed to equip practitioners with evidence-based strategies, best practices, and provide a network for dedicated professionals to turn to when needed and to celebrate and share successes with. We are grateful for K-State’s continued support and recognition of the importance of academic advising."
NACADA is hosting three institutes in Albuquerque, New Mexico, next month: the Assessment Institute, Feb. 10-12; the Advising Seminar, Feb. 14-15; and the Administrators’ Institute, Feb. 17-19. The Feb. 7 registration deadline for the Assessment Institute and Advising Seminar is rapidly approaching.
Additionally, NACADA Region 7’s 2022 conference in Lawrence is March 14-16. The early registration deadline is Monday, Feb. 14, and NACADA members save $100.
NACADA: The Global Community for Academic Advising is the premier global association for academic advising in higher education and publishes the longest standing single peer-reviewed journal devoted to academic advising, the NACADA Journal. The association is hosted by the Kansas State University College of Education.