October 21, 2020
Empathy: An Essential Leadership Skill workshop today
Submitted by Center for Student Involvement

Empathy is an essential leadership skill for building inclusive environments and communities, especially in student organizations. It is also essential for resolving conflict.
Join the Center for Student Involvement and special guest Tess Hobson from the Staley School of Leadership Studies in an exploration of our empathetic reactions to various scenarios and how our reactions can actually be empathy blockers.
Today's Empathy workshop will take place at from 12:15-1 p.m. via Zoom.
Full event details can be found on the Resources for Student Organizations event page in OrgCentral. Please sign in with your K-State eID. All students and advisors are welcome to attend.
Please contact Sara Heiman in the Center for Student Involvement at sjheiman@k-state.edu if you have any questions.