November 12, 2012
Bridging the gap: Webcast will foster discussion about pay gap between men and women
Submitted by Communications and Marketing

The earnings differences between men and women is the topic of an upcoming nationally broadcast webcast to be shown at Kansas State University, and sponsors hope the presentation will spark a discussion about the pay gap.
The university's office for the advancement of women in science and engineering is joining the American Association of University Women-Manhattan-KSU chapter to present "Graduating to a Pay Gap: The Earnings of Women and Men One Year after College Graduation" from 2:30 to 4 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 15, at Paslay Auditorium in Rathbone Hall. The event is free and the public is invited.
The webcast is in conjunction with the American Association of University Women's report of the same name. The report explores the earning differences between men and women and the immediate effects of the pay gap for women. With women in the state of Kansas earning 77 cents to the dollar of their male counterparts, the results of the report could lead to a very lively discussion, according to event organizers.
Read the report and other findings at