November 8, 2012
First Lady Noel Schulz to speak Nov. 15 at Vernon Larson Lecture Luncheon
Submitted by Communications and Marketing

First Lady Noel Schulz, associate dean of engineering and Paslay professor of electrical and computer engineering, will speak at the Vernon Larson Lecture Luncheon on Nov. 15 sponsored by Friends of International Programs.
A buffet lunch begins at 11:45 a.m. for $15 a person. The lecture begins at 12:15 p.m. and is free at the Holiday Inn Ballroom, 17th Street and Anderson Avenue.
Schulz will discuss "Engineering in a Global Workplace including advancing Women in Engineering." Schulz is president of the IEEE Power and Energy Society, an international technical society with more than 29,000 members worldwide. During 2012 she has visited six continents while attending meetings and conferences with society members.
In August 2012, Schulz became the associate dean of research and graduate programs in Kansas State's College of Engineering. Her academic home is the department of electrical and computer engineering and her research area is computer applications and modeling of electric power systems.
Schulz served as secretary of the IEEE Power and Energy Society from 2004-2007, treasurer from 2008-2009 and president-elect from 2010-11. Schulz is a member of Eta Kappa Nu electrical engineering honorary society, Tau Beta Pi engineering honor society, the American Society for Engineering Education, the Society of Women Engineers and the National Society of Black Engineers. She served on the board of directors for American Society for Engineering Education from 2008-2010.