May 7, 2012
Deputy Kansas education commissioner receives Dan and Cheryl Yunk Excellence in Educational Administration Award
Submitted by Communications and Marketing

A Kansas public servant with a career spanning more than five decades in education is being recognized by Kansas State University's College of Education for his innumerable contributions to educational administration.
Dale Dennis, deputy commissioner of education for the Kansas State Department of Education, is the 2012 recipient of the Dan and Cheryl Yunk Excellence in Educational Administration Award from Kansas State University's College of Education. The award honors the Manhattan couple who were exemplary teachers and administrators throughout their careers in the Manhattan school system.
Dennis, Topeka, will be recognized at the college's commencement ceremony May 12.
Dennis has been a widely respected, admired and trusted leader in Kansas public education for decades. His advice, particularly on school finance and administration policy decisions, has been sought by the state's governors, lawmakers, members of the Kansas State Board of Education and local school boards, state courts and education associations and entities.
Dennis supervises the administration of approximately $3.5 billion of state and federal funds flowing through state Department of Education to unified school districts and nonpublic schools. He serves as the liaison for the Kansas State Board of Education to the Legislature and the governor, providing information necessary for decision-making, especially with respect to school finance. Dennis supervises the preparation of the education department’s budget and audits all of the department's state and federal programs.
Recognized with awards and certificates for distinguished service by two governors, six state colleges and universities, and many Kansas professional associations, Dennis was named the Distinguished Kansan of the Year for Education in 2009 by the Topeka Capital-Journal. In 2008 he was inducted into the Kansas Teachers’ Hall of Fame and the Mid-America Education Hall of Fame.