August 29, 2017
Grab a book, find some shade and wave goodbye to summer with 'Teatime to Tailgates'
Submitted by College of Human Ecology

Fall has returned, kids are coming back to school, and schedules include a plethora of activities, including our beloved K-State football. There's just a little bit of time to squeeze in some laid-back, simple Labor Day reading and recipes.
"Teatime to Tailgates: 150 Years at the K-State Table" is published by the College of Human Ecology and acts as a historic recipe book, centered around K-State loves. Authored by K-State alumna and professor, longtime educator and former college communications director, Jane P. Marshall, this book adds dimension to K-State stories and delicious treats to holiday spreads.
This wonderful compilation includes recipes from campus, Aggieville, the Brookville Hotel and a few infamous Kansas City locales. The accompanying stories date back to K-State's beginnings in 1863 and run through 2013 when K-State celebrated its sesquicentennial. "Teatime to Tailgates" is full of wit, a little bit of humor and mouth-watering formulas to transform the simplest of foods.
There is joy in indulging in comfort foods every once in a while and you are urged to try a dinner concoction called Pizza Sandwiches that is sure to hit the spot. Adults and children of all ages will enjoy the sweet, cool treat that follows, for who can resist the residence hall classic Kansas Dirt, which includes Oreos, pudding, gummy worms and other delicious add-ins.
To get your hands on a book for you, your friends or your folks, fill out a PDF order form or visit 119 Justin Hall on K-State's Manhattan campus. The hardback book is $24.95, plus shipping and handling, if needed, and all proceeds go to College of Human Ecology undergraduate student research and international study opportunities.