August 21, 2017
Ice Professorship awarded to Shuting Lei

Shuting Lei, professor of industrial and manufacturing systems engineering at Kansas State University, has been awarded the Carl R. and Mary T. Ice Industrial Engineering Professorship.
The five-year renewable appointment was established to honor Carl R. and Mary T. Ice on the campus at K-State, as well as to recruit and retain the highest quality faculty in the department of industrial and manufacturing systems engineering.
Native Kansans who currently live in Westlake, Texas, Carl Ice is the president and CEO of BNSF Railway and a 1979 graduate of the College of Engineering in industrial engineering. Mary Ice is a 1980 graduate of the College of Human Ecology and also earned a master's degree from the College of Education in 1988.
Lei joined the department of industrial and manufacturing systems engineering in 1999. Currently, his research focus is on laser micro/nano machining based on spatial, temporal and spectral control of laser-matter interaction. His work has been recognized with several awards including the National Science Foundation CAREER Award, the Big 12 Faculty Fellowship Award, the American Society of Mechanical Engineers Manufacturing Engineering Division Best Organizer of Symposium and Sessions Award, and the College of Engineering Dean's Award of Excellence in Research.
"The ability to offer this level of support to our outstanding faculty members such as Shuting Lei is a way for us to recognize and honor the accomplishments and talent they bring to our programs," said Darren Dawson, dean of the College of Engineering. "Once again, Carl and Mary Ice have stepped forward in a significant way to support the educational goals of the college and university."