August 17, 2017
Open and Alternative Textbook Initiative award recipients
Submitted by Sarah McGreer Hoyt

During the 2017-18 school year, 25 K-State faculty in 13 disciplines will join the ranks of instructors making a university education more affordable. Rather than assigning a traditional, expensive textbook, they'll be teaching from low or no-cost open or alternative textbooks.
This is the newest cohort that received funds to develop nontraditional textbooks and course resources from K-State's Open and Alternative Textbook Initiative.
The awards of $2,000-$5,000 allowed the recipients to create, adopt or adapt open or alternative classroom materials for more than 23 courses that they'll be teaching this year.
Since it was established in 2013, the Open and Alternative Textbook Initiative has saved K-State students more than $3 million dollars.
The following faculty members are spring 2017 award recipients:
• American ethnic studies: April Petillo, assistant professor, AMETH160
• Apparel, textiles, and interior design: Hyung-Chan Kim, associate professor, ID415
• Biology: Christopher Herren, assistant professor, and Martha Smith-Caldas, associate professor, BIOL455
• Chemistry: Yasmin Patell, professor, Laura Fox, assistant teaching scholar, and Yifen Li, research scientist, CHM210; Yasmin Patell, Laura Fox, Christer Aakeroy, university distinguished professor, and Paul Smith, professor, CHM230; and Christer Aakeroy, CHM220
• English: Carol Russell, ENGL435; and Gregory Eiselein, professor, Anna Goins, instructor, and Naomi Wood, professor, ENGL470
• Family studies and human services: Kari Morgan, associate professor, GNHE210
• Geography: Lisa M.B. Harrington, professor, GEOG340; Audrey Joslin, assistant professor, GEOG100; Jeffrey S. Smith, associate professor, GEOG100; and Abigail Langston, assistant professor, GEOG740
• Geology: Aida Farough, assistant professor, GEOL103
• Management: Katie Lynn Small, instructor, ENTRP340
• Modern languages: Laura Kanost, associate professor, SPAN774
• Music, theatre, and dance: Wayne Goins, university distinguished professor, MUS296, 297, 298, 299
• School of Integrated Studies, Kansas State Polytechnic: Richard Zajac, professor, PHYS113, 14
• Sociology, anthropology, and social work: Michael Wesch, associate professor, ANTH200, 204; and Spencer Wood, associate professor, SOCIO211
For questions about the initiative, contact Brian Lindshield, associate professor of human nutrition; Andy Bennett, department head and professor of mathematics; or Rebel Cummings-Sauls, assistant professor and director of the Center for the Advancement of Digital Scholarship at K-State Libraries.