May 3, 2017
APDesign presents lecture with Susan Jones of atelierjones

The architecture department in the College of Architecture Planning & Design, or APDesign, will present a lecture by Susan Jones, "Emerging design territories: production, performance, and the hypernatural in mass timber," at 5 p.m. Thursday, May 4, in 63 Seaton Hall. The lecture is free and open to the public.
Jones, LEED BD+C, is owner of atelierjones, an architecture, urban and ecodesign firm. Founded in 2003 in Seattle, the firm's award-winning work brings design excellence, research and community engagement to new sustainable strategies and buildings — including groundbreaking work with mass timber. Developed in Austria and Switzerland, cross laminated timber, one of several mass timber products, is a new construction material in the United States.
Atelierjones recently completed the first cross laminated timber structure permitted in Seattle in June 2015: a multistory house using cross laminated timber as structure and interior finish material, and a church, using cross laminated timber as a 40-feet-tall, interior nonstructural wall completed in March 2016. Both are two of the first cross laminated timber structures completed in the U.S. A nationally known expert on mass timber, Jones is the American Institute of Architects' national representative to the ICC Tall Timber Code Committee, has taught multiple design studios on mass timber design, and has spoken across the U.S. on mass timber. Atelierjones is now completing eight cross laminated timber school modulars for construction in March 2017. A native of Washington state, Jones became a fellow of the American Institute of Architects in 2010, has taught at the University of Washington, and has been working for architects since she was 16.
During her stay Jones also will serve as a member of the 2017 Heintzelman/Kremer jury.