December 8, 2016
'Painting Churches': A play about aging and family relationships

The Center on Aging in the College of Human Ecology, is a sponsor of the play "Painting Churches," opening at 7:30 p.m. Friday, Dec. 9, with subsequent showings at 7:30 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 10, and 2 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 11, at the Manhattan Arts Center.
In "Painting Churches," written by Tina Howe, a daughter returns to her childhood home to help her parents pack up and move, while hoping they will come to see her as the artist she has become. The cast is a dynamic trio of Mary Elizabeth Atwood, Eric Danielson and Andi Washburn. It is directed by Brent Sigman.
The family dynamic as a child comes home and discovers a new reality as her parents' age and one dealing with dementia is one that many families face. The Center on Aging and gerontology studies aim to educate about dementia and many other topics facing an aging population.
As part of the Dec. 11 showing, the cast, director, Michelle Haub, Kay Shanks, and Laci Cornelison and Katie Sigman, both with the Center on Aging, will be part of a preshow panel discussion about family relationships and dementia. The panel will begin at 12:45 p.m., with the play beginning at at 2 p.m. All playgoers are welcome at the discussion.
Call 785-537-4420 or visit the Manhattan Arts Center's website for details. Please join the Center on Aging in the panel discussion to learn more about how aging impacts family dynamics.